
Oh Swift… how do you keep a girl… monster pud or drugs… cause u still lazy… and been lazy…since Cherry Valley!

must be drugs, def not monster pud

done good luck with the class.

thanks man… appreciate anyone forwards this to whomever, would really help. I’ve had 58 people take it so far. bout 20% of the way there :confused:

Vitamin D for sale.


only met you once, you were a cool dude. end of story.

at least you figured all the important things out :slight_smile:


BUMP! need moar plz, tell your friends :slight_smile:

Just posted this link on Craigslist in the M4M section with your picture and phone number promising oral favors for anyone who proves they took the survey!

Should be good to go swift!

rofl. that would be one way to do it i guess…

BUMP! i’m gonna fail… come on shift nation, unite!!!

Do you still shave your ass swifty?

absoltely… i prefer no clumps during my dumps. you?

I keep it trimmed personally. What if I want my salad tossed? Not gonna happen with a hairy asshole.

finally, someone understands me.

On another serious note, need moar survey takers!!!

Done, just because you made me laugh with the last few posts

haha thanks, got 140 responses… i should be able to get another 160 in the next 2 days. Totally fucked >.<

Fuck 815 classes. That is all.

+1 … i have one today, strongly considering not attending due to “still on vacation” excuse?

That’s going to help with your graduating … :lol