Saving money, cutting costs

I’m on standby until Wayne gives me permission to photoshop his girl into an accounting wizard…

way im going with my cts-v, may be lucky to get 2k miles out of them.


Even with -21.3 degrees camber my 165’s mounted on 12" wide rimz I get more than 2Kmi on a set. I dont know what you guys are doing wrong.

we’re doing everything right :slight_smile:

Staying in once in a while saves a shitload of money. Highly recommended

lmao, bone stock sw20 mr2s didn’t get 30k on a set of rear tires. owners manual said expect to get 15-20k and thats no where near the same performance of a gt-r. youre not buying a performance car to worry about tires.

Damn I’d hate to buy tires that often. I’ve got almost 25k on my current set and they don’t evewn look worn yet.

truck tires are alot different than performance car tires.

Fuck cars. Trucks for life

wheres the split of this thread?

i wanted to post this to love4boost’s comment on how money will only help short term

…because we all know that saving $50,000 that you worked for, is identical situation to winning the power ball.

Seriously, bro do you even think?

HOW IS THAT COMPARABLE?? EXPLAIN. I’d love to see the leaps in your faulty logic.

lmao. sorry if you think i am off topic. i wanted to respond to lov4bosst.

and seriously bro i think. i probally have more time to think than you do

love4boost said money can fix just about anything. i think before o said money cant buy happiness for long term… heres something i posted

“In 2007, a paper published in the Journal of Academic Psychology asked why achieving major life goals, including winning the lottery, or the more basic goal of getting married, doesn’t wind up making us as happy as we expect. As the 1978 student showed, a big positive event like a lottery win can impact happiness, but its effects diminish over time Why? Because while a lottery win can make a difference, it won’t affect the other conditions of your life, like who your siblings or parents are or your basic disposition”

that gets back to my money only buys short term happiness.

I can’t believe people shop at Wal-Mart. They are the reason why people don’t have good paying jobs and the reason why our taxes are going up. Disgusting.

Wal-Mart is the reason? Wouldnt be over-regulation at all, would it?

Walmart fortune is heavily government subsidized and they are a huge benefactor of food stamp policies.

Think all you want you’re failing to make the connection.

Yours saying money doesn’t buy long term happiness. Yet a good portion of middle class especially the upper middle class has good money, good savings and a nest egg retirement.

You know what retirement money is? It’s the definition of long term happiness.

You instead of debating that point are bringing up a statistic on a rags to richess story and using that tiny anomaly as your logic back up. This is the same thing you do in every argument - huge logic leap with no facts to back you up or huge generalizations coming from very limited events.

So no, you don’t think.

There you go, stating the obvious, somewhat neglecting my comment.


over-regulation in what aspect?

Wal-Mart business practices are immoral and the fact that they make the workers live in poverty and thus causing them to use the government for financial assistance while the company boasts record profits and the CEOs own more than the bottom 30% of Americans is a travesty.