Saving money, cutting costs

A guy stocks shelves at Walmart, and B guy stocks shelves at a Ferrari plant… should they be paid the same?

only read a small amount of that link and will tell you this… #1 spending all your money means you didnt have ENOUGH… MONEY makes you happy, thats the arguemnent right? So how does it make sense to say they werent happy when they didnt have an unlimited supply? Going bankrupt means you have no money and if you have no money this argument doesnt exsist?

#2 my opinion is based level headed indivduals who dont have mental issues and have a very small amount of accounting skills… Leaving half a million dollars in your unlocked car outside a strip club is retarded lolol… And people spending 10’s of millions without a plan lacked common sense.

I never said having or not having money was full proof, people die, car gets stolen, your favorite chinese food restaraunt shuts down makes you sad and you will be sad regaurdless if you have money or not, but like vlad said, if money didnt make people happy, people wouldnt work until 60 years old saving there retirement, theyd ball hard as fuck and then force the government to take care of them in some non profit nursing home that doesnt have tv bc they cant afford it when they ran out.

Argue all you want, MONEY makes you happier then not having money in any and every way imaginable.

Should they? Yes.

Will they? Not a chance in hell.

Employee A drops a box of $1 uncle bens rice off shelf

Employee B drops $20,000 ferarri Cylinder Head off shelf

I think the risk ratio would call for more expensive pay

I feel the same way. I am sure box boy B has to be clean and professionally dressed too. There is an image to uphold. Sure its just sticking boxes on the shelf, but like you said, the responsibility level is much higher.

In that respect yes, they should be compensated slightly more than the walmart bro.

I dont agree with Hang your cross’ comment about “making them live in poverty”. If they are good at stocking shelves, strive to work at the Ferrari plant and MAKE that move. IMO, walmart has every right to pay people working there the lower end of the “box boy” pay spectrum. Its not rocket science, low cost items, and unfortunately for the one “best most nicest shelf stacker out ever” the rest of the goons working around that guy piss all over the job and are the driving force behind the shitty compensation in pay.

the problem with minimum wage type jobs is that everyone wants more for them, by that i mean, some dipshit working at harbor freight who doesn’t know a fucking thing about tools and shows up drunk or stoned every shift thinks that they should get higher pay because they feel its a hard job, even though the people who work there and have fucktons of knowledge and bust their ass everyday at that job get the same pay even though due to their knowledge and work ethic they really are more valuable. with nobody wanting to put in real effort into their job companies lower their standards for new employees and now virtually all retail jobs are taken by lazy derps, people who would do those jobs very well seek other work because retail jobs have turned into jokes. now that there is no competition for available positions, the company hires whoever they can can pays them minimum wage knowing that 99 out of 100 employees will do little work and bring nothing to the table as far as desireable skills.

[ame=“”]So Money Doesn’t Equal Happiness… Then What Does? Episode 002.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

i think you can relate to this guy more than that write up i posted eariler. watch it to 7min if you have time. atleast. ^^^^^^^^

[ame=“”]Can money buy happiness? - YouTube[/ame]

this second one is for the guys/girls that enjoy lectures

also people work until 60+ because they have to. they dont want to

+rep! Very well said and 100% true.

watched to 5:30

entertainers make money by entertaining… I make money buy risking buying stolen shit. They dont like it ALOT of the time, I dont like it ALOT of the time… They get bothered by people, I get bothered by police… IF I had enough money, which obviously I dont, I would be happy because I wouldnt HAVE to do what I do to make money… IF entertainers thought they made enough money they would dissapear and live there dream lives… unfortionately 20 million dollar homes with $600,000 taxes + 100’s of thousands of dollars in other expenses make entertainers HAVE to keep working… We are talking about unlimited money here, not just a good salary… The more money we have, the happier.

Your crazy to compare an entertainer who literally CANT go outside without people taking pictures of them trying to catch them exposed to a normal human being who you cant tell a bum to a billionaire.

ghandi, mother theresa and forest gump made what they could of life… I didnt say you CANT be happy without money, I just said MONEY makes you happIER…

btw, none of us half to work, especially right now with our boy Obama as president… Spend 2 weeks in a homeless shelter and theyll put you in an apartment and on dss… you wont enjoy life but youll live 100% free

ask me how i know and why i dont work at harbor freight anymore lol, still have rainchecks to write up tho :lol

WTF are you talking about? That was one of the most asinine things I have read. You double step your points. In actuality retail is very competitive as there really aren’t that many jobs anymore since everything is going the way of online ordering.

Also most people working these jobs are hard workers trying to make end’s meat. The problem is you have companies like Wal-Mart making billions in profit each year and treat their workers like dirt. They don’t pay a livable wage or offer good health benefits. This is causing tax payers to foot the bill for welfare, Medicaid, and food stamps. Why should I have to pay for this? It is the companies responsibility to the workers to offer a livable wage; especially when they have insane profits and CEOs making insane money. I bet the cashier works harder than the CEOs.

Luckily, we have companies like Costco and aldi offering employees better wages and benefits that way the taxpayers aren’t strained to help out the “working poor.”

bullshit dude, ill admit that some retail employyes work hard but if i were to go to walmart right now i would be lucky if i could find 5 “hard workers” the rest are lazy, stupid, and incompetent, and the term “livable wage” is a joke, what is a livable wage? according to anyone who asks for nothing more than a livable wage it is only a little bit more. i worked retail for over 5 years, put myself through college, payed for my vehicle, gas, insurance, phone bill, and food, and still managed to save a small amount of money. did it suck when i made minimum wage for 3 of those years? hell yes, did i feel i should make more? yes. was the work i was doing worth more, thats debatable. but now because every asshole on earth thinks they deserve a job when they dont do any of the work required of them, they have a job, and because they spend all the money they make on stupid shit they claim they cant afford to live and need more money. just because you need something doesnt mean that you deserve it, hard work earns better wages, if people like you didnt have the attitude that everyone is entitled to a job and great pay, retail wouldnt be flooded with lazy fucks, hard working people would get the jobs they deserve, which would give their voices more power when it comes time to ask for a raise.

People expect too much. If they don’t want to work, go kill deer for food. If you come from poor stock, then your probably gonna have less, if you come from good stock, your probably gonna have more. Just like a food chain, life is a pecking order.

The socialists among us, and their numbers grow as the government creates more dependancy, will say its unfair. Its also evidently unfair when every player and every team doesnt get a trophy. Welcome to this world where the lazy and less fortunate are gaining in numbers and peter pan becomes government mandate.

You are way over generalizing an entire class of people. Again, people deserve to be able to have a home, food, clothing, healthcare and transportation to and from work. they should also be able to relax and take a break once in a while. It’s almost impossible to do this making little money.

Just because someone is poor, doesn’t mean they are lazy, a druggy, or a drunkard. Again the title, the working poor comes into play and it’s actually very accurate.

In my area, Ulster County, it’s very expensive to live and the pay rates are little, and the job market is almost non-existent. There isn’t much opportunity here, and I am suffering because of it as well.

I work two jobs. I am working on my MS degree, and I make my retail company a fuck ton of money every time I step into that place. I am not a lazy, incompetent, derp that you describe retail workers. At this particular job I make $10.50/hr, and I make the company on average of $130/hr of pure profit, this doesn’t include regular merchandise sales. I bust my ass everyday, and I deal with asshole customers. Due to company policy, I was only allowed a maximum raise of $.50 this year. That barely ties in with inflation.

My other job I am a Teaching Assistant at a residential school for students that are dually-diagnosed and developmentally disabled. I have to take this job because I can not find a teaching job anywhere. So unfortunately, to stay off of welfare I have to take two jobs instead of just one. The work there is stressful, I can be attacked at any minute if a kid decides to have an episode and become violent.

There are many people like me, many college graduates who have to work in jobs such as mine and they can’t afford to pay back student loans. The job market pretty much requires a BA/BS and pretty soon a MA/MS to even work in a middle management type position. This is forcing a ton of debt onto people.

But, once again, who should pay for the workers to have a house, clothes, food? The government (your tax money and mine) or the company raking billions of dollars each year?

That is the only question that really needs to be answered.


First the bold. People diserve the RIGHT to those things. You are right. Thats that having the ability to apply for and work at a job is for. The problem comes when people assume the right to “diserve” those things comes to them with little to no effort on their part. Thats what chris was saying. The first step is getting a damn job, second step is working hard for that job, and BETTERING YOURSELF TO GET A BETTER POSITION AND MAKE MORE MONEY, AND WORK HARD IN THAT ONE TO BETTER YOURSELF AND GET AN EVEN BETTER POSITION…

Now the big letters. To answer your question, THE WORKERS! They have the job and work it, if they are out living their income thats their lifestyle’s problem. The people that you are refrencing to as sucking the tax payers money from us becasue they do exactly that. Settle for a bottom barrel job, and do as little to keep it. Complaine about it and do next to nothing to get ahead and move up the ladder. FUCK THEM I SAY.

The profitability of the company doesnt need to make it rain on the shelf stackers coming into work in a rotted out 81 honda, smelling like booze and cig smoke, disrespecting customers and other employees, etc. If they are not content with their job, their pay… they dont DISERVE to have someone hold their hand and show them how to make a career advancment!


equality of opportuniy vs. equality of outcome

everyone has the opportunity to do better for themselves and their family.

Absolutely false.