this thread needs some tits or something for real
please explain
thanks for seeing it my way too!
You ever meet stupid people?
You ever work with stupid people?
I’m surprised some people can find their mouth with a fork and spoon to feed themselves.
Thats just sad. You have been so brainwashed by the educational environment, your goose is cooked until you get some union job where you either cant be fired, or are over paid for the lack of optimism. Scary
That said, you do noble work for low pay.
Thats your choice and many are lucky to have you doing so.
your correct to an extent. The playing field isn’t level to start, but it’s still bullshit when somebody complains and says they can’t make ends meet. In the past I worked 3 jobs (1 FT, 2 PT) in order to afford the lifestyle I wanted. Also sorry your having a rough time finding a good job in your field but join the club. I have 2 bachelors degrees and I’m a line tech at a dealership. Not my first choice, but I can’t take a pay cut right now so I do what I have to do. The problem is the mindset of the current generation that everything should be easy and handed to them.
Most likely, I’ll be moving to NC and will be making a ton less than NYS teachers just so I can teach and do what I love. In NC the pay is $30,800 to start at step 0 and raises barely keep up with COLA increases and inflation.
When I teach, I also keep a lot of my views to myself and provide students with multiple perspectives and let them make their own opinions based on factual information. I use sources from “conservative” “liberal” “moderate” and outside sources so that get a whole picture. I rather them form their own opinion than me spoon feeding them shit.
And my views have nothing to do with being brainwashed. We see what’s going on in the country. The dispairity between who owns the wealth and how much they own of it compared to the rest. Jobs are gone, there is no money staying in the country. Business, are taking advantage of anyone they can.
A majority of it starts from early on, even before the person is born. I know most of you hate terms like “working poor” and “cycle of poverty,” but, it’s a real thing and through studies it does show you really are pretty much going to be born and die in your socioeconomic class. It stands to reason that poor kids will go to poor schools and get shit education and be stuck in that cycle. It’s very hard to move out of it and live a better life.
I also don’t believe there should be hands outs per se. If a person works hard and busts their ass, they should have at least the very basics covered by the company they work for. It pisses me off that companies rake in billions of dollars each year only to let the workers suffer and cause them to take government hand outs. These hand outs are paid by you and me. If companies took responsibility and did the moral thing, we wouldn’t have to worry about welfare, medicaid and so forth as much.
And again, just because a person makes minimum wage or retail doesn’t make them a lazy, slob, drunkard, druggy. When you go into retail stores, usualy the lazy, drunk ones are kids living at home and going to school because this is a job for extra spending cash. The adults I work with take their job serious and with pride because this is their only source of income and they dont want to lose it.
i agree with alot of things you just said but.
if you become a teacher in a public school do you think you pick what you teach? or will you have to teach the same thing as teacher B? most of the time you dont pick how you teach or what you teach the govt does.
i can almost guarantee you will teach from a book. most public schools have mandated learning. so you dont pick what to teach. with a job that demands so much following of the rules how do you think you will teach outside the book? or do you plan on teaching a private school?
also how do you know your views are not brain washed? did the guy brain washing you let you know? ususally people brainwashed say the same thing you say lmao
i hope you become a great teacher but dont end up in a public school teaching. public school has to teach you what the govt says to teach. so to me its one sided info. a good teacher doesnt get a chance to shine in a work enviroment like that.
"When I teach, I also keep a lot of my views to myself and provide students with multiple perspectives and let them make their own opinions based on factual information. I use sources from “conservative” “liberal” “moderate” and outside sources so that get a whole picture. I rather them form their own opinion than me spoon feeding them shit. "
if you keep your views to yourself but provide multiple perspectives who picks the perspectives you provide?
also who decides if info is factual or not?
provide students with multiple perspectives and let them make their own decision on factual info? lmao you will have a test at the end of the week and make that student remember what you taught to pass a test. thats not opnion based. thats teaching at students and making them learn or they fail.
how is this student gaining opnion through info? or is it creating opnion from info?
i hate schools that are ran by big govt. most of the time its the $$$$$$$ that they care about not the kids
This right here, just feed into class warefare and take it out on campanies turning a profit.
i agree with alot of things you just said but.
if you become a teacher in a public school do you think you pick what you teach? or will you have to teach the same thing as teacher B? most of the time you dont pick how you teach or what you teach the govt does.
i can almost guarantee you will teach from a book. most public schools have mandated learning. so you dont pick what to teach. with a job that demands so much following of the rules how do you think you will teach outside the book? or do you plan on teaching a private school?
Actually, you do pick portions of what you teach. And, the textbook really isn’t used as much anymore. In fact, it’s considered poor form to use the textbook as the main source, especially in History. I also did my student teaching already and I was able to pretty much do what I wanted following guidelines set by the state and a curriculum map used by the district. You need to hit on certain topics, but, you can go into further detail, add or delete certain things from your curriculum if you want. I can go into major detail about what goes on, but it will take pages of typing and I really don’t feel like going into it.
also how do you know your views are not brain washed? did the guy brain washing you let you know? ususally people brainwashed say the same thing you say lmao
I feel like I have a good head on my shoulders. Others will disagree, especially with many of my views. I find myself as someone who questions what goes on and am a skeptic at what I’m being told. I have also had to do research and usually I like to do the opposite on what the teacher’s beliefs are (just to be an asshole). I also have life experience and see what goes on in the lives of my peers and students.
i hope you become a great teacher but dont end up in a public school teaching. public school has to teach you what the govt says to teach. so to me its one sided info. a good teacher doesnt get a chance to shine in a work enviroment like that.
Thank you for the kind words. But, I rather be in a public school where I can interact with all walks of life and try to help my students get a head in life. But, ultimately I have teacher discretion and as I stated above I have power in my classroom on what and how to teach material I deem fitting.
"When I teach, I also keep a lot of my views to myself and provide students with multiple perspectives and let them make their own opinions based on factual information. I use sources from “conservative” “liberal” “moderate” and outside sources so that get a whole picture. I rather them form their own opinion than me spoon feeding them shit. "
if you keep your views to yourself but provide multiple perspectives who picks the perspectives you provide?
also who decides if info is factual or not?
I pick the perspectives and the resources. Depending on the article, journal or text they would need to have cited sources, studies, statistics, etc for the information to be deemed credible. I guess everything we read will be wrong then and made up?
provide students with multiple perspectives and let them make their own decision on factual info? lmao you will have a test at the end of the week and make that student remember what you taught to pass a test. thats not opnion based. thats teaching at students and making them learn or they fail.
Assessment doesn’t necessarily have to be a test at the end of the week. The new buzz for assessment is “menu of product.” If I am making them form opinions based on information I provide or information they research, then they would be writing an essay using the information and telling me their thoughts. What you are describing would be a horrible teacher who shouldn’t have a job. You can’t fail a test when a question is based on opinion and you provide one with the appropriate information.
If I’m teaching a fact sheet, then yes it would be a test like that. But, that is the old school method of just hitting on the “recall of information” portion of intelligence. This is a garbage way of teaching and there really isn’t any “learning” involved. Look up Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence and Bloom’s taxonomy in regards to higher order of thinking and creating lessons.
how is this student gaining opnion through info? or is it creating opnion from info?
They are creating opinion from information. Gaining opinion would signify that they are being spoon fed what they should believe.
i hate schools that are ran by big govt. most of the time its the $$$$$$$ that they care about not the kids
Please elaborate as to what you mean by ran by big government? What aspects are you talking about? Which big government are you talking about? Also in what way is it about the money?
Yup, it is about “class warefare.” Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
Once again, no one will answer this question: If a worker is busting their ass for a company, and are still living in poverty, who should pay for them, the company raking in insane profits or the tax payers?
that person should cut their expenses, get a second job, find a job that pays better, or become more qualified to receive better pay in the near future.
that person can complain that they dont make enough and cry boo-fucking-hoo but it’s no ones fault but their own, if they want a better job they should go find one , their are plenty of jobs out there. Or they can do what they do day in and day out and stay in the same posiition they are in and keep complaining about it. people don’t suddently become successful with a magic wand, they work for it. No one to blame but themselves. You make your own luck.
exactly. if you cant live off of minimum wage you need to get your shit together. i did it just fine, and now im doing great in the first year of my career. my brother is a waiter so his hourly rate is shit, he works hard and makes almost as much as i do a year once you take tips into consideration, so hearing people bitch about money and “low pay” makes me laugh.
At companies your pay is hardly ever dependent/related to how hard you work with exception of tips and flat rate.
A guy recently got fired for putting on his time sheet days that he never even worked… He’s been warned of this in the past when he got caught. Guy was bringing in 6 figure salary.
Using genarizations like “everybody can get a better job” just means you really don’t know what “everybody” is like.
Let’s just say, MOST or AVERAGE person has no problem of getting a better job if they put their efforts in. However there will always be outliers on every bell curve.
Pitman strikes again. Don’t forget that facts are part of a global propaganda made to sheeple people and “government” according to him is one dick boss sittin in an office in D.C.
everybody CAN get a better job
just because “lazy piece of shit” falls into the everybody category doesn’t mean they do not have the same opportunity to better themselves as others do, they are just lazy and choose not to, that is their own fault
Did you not see my post above? You ever work with stupid people that would struggle with 2+2 and much less other basic concepts.
There are people that I wouldn’t rely on with holding a pencil much less be competent at doing a job, and believe me they try to work.
I’m sure there are plenty of jobs for them out there for such people, but hardly many of them will be “good”.
Edit: if everybody really could get a better job and all of a sudden did, what do you think that would do to small business and places that rely on paying minimum wage? They would have to raise is just to attract people to “worse jobs”, which would lead to increase in prices no?
everyone has the opportunity, that is the truth
you argument relies on people people to stupid to fend for themselves. lets just give them more handouts instead, is that what your suggesting?
Since we can’t kill stupid people who can’t support themselves and they love to breed there really isn’t much you can do.
Desperation is an amazing motivator in stupid/illegal decisions. You don’t want to live in a country full of desperate people.
Edit: FYI, it’s “you’re” - sincerely, foreigner.
you know what’s also a great motivator? not giving them a free everything so they can sit on their ass