Saving money, cutting costs

“Free everything” is hardly factual. Bring out some numbers and their requirements and then we can talk.

Until then if I recall a single person earning less than $12000 a year is allowed ~$50 a month in food stamps, plus probably the phone and I wouldn’t be surprised if living assistance.

Damn man, you’re working hard for everything you got when you could have this and live in the ghetto! Switch now! Why are you even motivated to work?? Use the system smarter not work harder.

Someone please tell me why a girl I know that has not had a job in…well, ever gets a fucking tax return? She lives in her boyfriends grandparents basement with her boyfriend. He’s also unemployed.

Unemployment checks get taxed too. You can either defer to pay the tax later and have to file tax form later and owe, or you can get them withheld as it goes and depending on your write offs and dependables you may be over paying just like a regular person would and get a return back.

What was the amount?

To me that’s mind blowing.

welfare suckers always get huge tax returns too. They get even more credits for each fuck trophy they pop out too.

At some point the best option society has to dealing with trash, is simply to take it out.

ask any big investor if schools profit. i guarantee you most public colleges bring millions for investors. k-12 schools profit for investors too. so why is the school there? to profit or to teach? this is why i got into philosphy. i feel like i can teach myself better than anyone earning money to teach me.

ran by big gov’t is obvious. the usa gov’t runs it. they regulate schools. you didnt know this?

everybody can get a better job i do not agree with.

in todays world if you know someone your better off than schooling. some great people just dont know the right people. so they will be stuck with not a better job.

you can only move so far up the working ladder. so once you reach the top for the best job does it get better?

i agree on the life oppturnities we get each day to pick if we are better or worse. the little things effect you. do coke tonight to feel good for for min/hours and a few years later that will effect you. it will effect you short term too.

you choose if your bad or good. your choices make your person. your enviroment and people you talk with mold the person too

Actually knowing someone isn’t even the best way in getting a job it seems these days, most jobs lack proper training or trainers so they look for people with experience in the field.

I guess I got lucky then. My friend got me a sweet job completely unrelated to the field I was in and Im making over $4.30 an hour more with cheap benefits ($57 a paycheck for dental and medical and I only get paid twice a month), free life insurance, a matched 401k plan, paid vacations (2 weeks to start), take home company vehicle with a company gas card, paid holidays and more perks. Im able to get quite a bit of overtime too.

My friend that got me the job worked in a bodyshop and I worked at a linen service. Now we work on scales.

Going to get this thread back on track… I found the best way to save money:

Pete is on to something, steal from your employer – then quit.

but quitting= no income. Then again theres always 2 years of unemployment eligibility these days


The company is the tax payers. Please get that. The company is not a person. I think you mean the companys bottom line should be taxed much greater…that would have seriosu implications…but thats another story we would argue about… its ok to be different…but, the company is the taxpayers.

And your previous comment that “through studies it does show you really are pretty much going to be born and die in your socioeconomic class” make me wonder…what study and by who…the same educational cycle that teached the things you have come to beleive. Just like the cycle of dependence and cycle of class retention… the cycle of teaching based on (likely liberal guided) studies is yet a cycle of its own.

That said, we agree on some things, I feel you take some things at face value, and then a little deeper… but also think your lack of ecperience in actual business life sways you in the best direction you know…the same direction that led you toward your occupation. As I said before, noble, and very well intended… just has dire unintended consequences for those that feel differently… and as history has proven many times over, your thinking will eventually win out…and socialism will creep through the threads of this “still great” society. But, only Great, based on the other options left in this world.

Back to Tracys origional ideas… there are so many ways to save money…the best is to not spend it . Gotta love that ad “buy now and save”

Humans need to eat and sleep. Pay as little as you can to do both comfortably. Insert a little extra spending to make you feel happy and worth a damn in there somewhere.


Sounds boring

Wicked boring.

This country is based on being in debt. Sign away!

In 2009, roughly 1 in 4 (24.8%) of American households had zero or negative net worth, up from 18.6% in 2007, and 37.1% of households had net worth of less than $12,000, up from 30.0% in 2007.

If you have no debt and any amount of cash, you’re better off than 24% of Americans.

A lot will also depend on the level of wealth. Some people who have the option of paying cash for a home may find better uses for the money by leveraging it in a business or investment. Others will say that they pay cash for the home so that they have peace of mind about owning the roof over their heads. Same with cars (although more with toys than daily drivers). Some will only buy an exotic (Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc) with cash while others prefer to keep the money leveraged in something else that has the potential to earn more than the interest they are paying on the car loan.