Saving money, cutting costs

I can tell ya this, I have alot of shit to my name. I have 8 titles to cars, and 1.5 of them drive well enough to be on the road. 3 of them are actually investments with + earnings once completed and sold. Alot of mistakes made along the way but I am getting better. I have a shit load of parts, tools, and other dumb shit all over the place. Some will be used, some I actually just sold on ebay for less than I initially invested becasue I am sick of looking at them. 15 years ago I lived at home had a truck I paid for, and a bmx bike I paid for. Dont even think I had a cell phone. Maybe a craftsman set of tools. NO DEBT. Was a much easier time thats for damn sure. Fast forward to now, I have a piss load of crap and a decent chunk of debit. BUT, if I sold all my shit I would clear my debt (house included) and probably put about $60-80K in my pocket, to start over. STUPID MONEY in my world if I did it.

Would I do it. Fuck no. Its been a heck of a ride getting here so ill just keep fighting! lol

I for one, 100% know my life would be MUCH happier if I was in the same position I am right now, but debt free minus my house (which I am ahead on value/owe wise). Thats making me keep going and striving for that. If I won a 2$ scratcher jackpot I would be there. I cant imagine what it is like to be that guy, who owns everything outright to his name, still pisses money away with no worries and has a bank account.

i dont know where i am even going with this. lol i just like to type


debts cool, it lets me buy cool shit, who cares if I pay more in the end? what business is it of yours? you can frig right off

lol mike wood on that debit hard

I fixed it lol

you smokin cigrits bud? the purple stuff?


oh beg my pard

the shit that killed Elvis?

I dont know if anyone has posted this before. Everyone trys to save on gas. Pilot has an rv customer program that gets you 2cents off a gallon after the first 50 gallons i believe. Not that its alot of $ but 2cents a gallon x 25 gallons a week x 52 weeks is roughly $25.00 a year give or take. Also they have good deals on coffee if you buy 10 the 11th is free and subway deals i think every 10th sub is free. Another thing you can do to save $$ on your propane or electric hot water heater is turning the temp down to where you dont need any cold water to take a shower. My hot water heater is set a little high where i need to turn the cold water on just a little.

nothing has ever not been worth it as much as that isn’t worth it.

Lol I agree.

so buy 10 cups of coffee for $10-15, or home brew it for what $3? Buy 10 subs at $8, or make your own for $3. hmmm…:shifty

Cumberland Farms has 10 cents off a gallon if you use their card thats linked to your checking account. If I had a checking account Id do it because I usually get gas up the road.

You don’t have a checking acct? Dafuq???


Ive never bothered to get one although I could if I wanted to. All my money gets put in my savings account.

I really dont need one right now.

Spend it alll… yolo!

bang pjb… yolo

:skid Yeah, fuck sanitizing your dishes!