Saw a Skyline today...

At first I thought of Cossey until I saw the Ontario plates. It was dark grey and had some minor exterior mods.

I didn’t have a chance to take any pictures since when I saw it was going into warp speed on the highway. But thought it was cool anyway.

R34?, could be the one Seth tuned up @ Moon a few years ago.

And definitely not Cossey’s car…his is torn down to pieces in my shop at the moment. Not going anywhere anytime soon.

R34, yes. Yea it was very clean and sounded awesome.

Just out of curiosity, I was under the impression the Skyline was/is illegal in the States? Or is there a 10 year rule for imports/exports?

25 year rule. Look in one of the threads on the R34 and there’s a link in there detailing multiple ways these cars are brought in.

Oh BTW, if the car you saw had Ontario plates, it may have been a 32? The rule is 15 years in Canada for bringing in cars that were never actually legalized for road use in Canada. So you can bring in up to a '94 BNR32.

No it was def. an R34. It really looked a lot like Cossey’s but without the graphics.

pics of said skyline in pieces

R32 is always going back and forth from japan star to canada… when i worked next door. a Silver r32 was parked there at least once a week. the O_O factor was there at first. but it become like another car once youve seen it more then once.

Surprised this doesn’t generate red flags at the border even with Canadian plates coming in, Customs should know by now to look for 32s coming into the US this way, especially with the revenue that could be generated off a seizure if they got lucky with some poor schmuck.

He may just be lying.

riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Cuz you know what your talking about. :slight_smile:


Like you don’t have a history of that?


Yea. I was sooo incredibly bored that I thought I would just make up a story about seeing a skyline…

If I was going to make it up I would have not only saw it but the guy would have pulled over at a gas station and let me drive it down to Watkins Glen after explaining it was 1200HP on pump and then proceeded to race against JClark, who would have lost horribly due to the superior car abilities as well as extreme driver skill on my part.

That last part seems somewhat plausible…

:rofl not you, Hooked on 240 saying he saw a R32 every week outside his work going to Japan-Star then crossing the border to Canada…and then Archie said he was surprised border patrol didn’t throw a red flag about a Skyline coming into the U.S. weekly.

Ohhhhh, I was a little confused on that one. :beer