Saw jclark

Just saw jclark on 787…on a billboard, wtf

Pics or ban.

:number1 that!


Not the Nite Moves one is it?

noo, i saw a good luck Jesse Clark thing on one of those new billboards on 787 with a big picture of him, it was hilarious

So who is climbing up and drawing a giant penis in his mouth?

im in:ponder



where on 787? Ive gotta drive from Broadway to the route 7 exit tomorrow

i think its one the one that is on the right side of the highway by huck finns in between I90 and downtown

definately will be going by there then- part of my normal monday route

unless thats not the one, thats the only one i can think of with the new “TV” type thing, almost like a scoreboard at a new stadium

There is also a new lcd screen one on the south side just before the 90 interchange i think, it could have been there. They also rotate adds

-I don’t know how to put this but I’m kind of a big deal.
-People know me.
-Well, I’m very happy for you.
-I’m very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

:facepalm I cant believe those are still up, brb :rofl

okay tits mcgee

Now that this is OT, this was probably the funniest thing I read today:

LOL’ed me long time.

im from rags to riches n**** i aint dumb :thumbup

saw your standings in the roundel last month. man, your like a star!