Saw VI

I’ll probably see it just for the entertainment, not expecting anything mindblowing but should be decent like the other ones.

Any other opinions?

gay x6

I’ll most likely see it only because I think the methods of torture used, without being repeated, is brilliant.

Ive seen 5 so far, so Ill be watching #6 lol

I still havent seen them all and I am pretty sure I have all 5 here somewhere

lol same here, I really cant wait to see Zombieland!

i only saw the first one and parts of the 2nd one. wasnt aware theres 6 of them things out till i started seeing ads on the tv.


Saw really lost its WOW factor after the second one… Then everyone realized it was the same old bullshit over and over just with a new way to kill someone

Now its just something to watch with gore…

Ill see it when a DVD Rip is released… not worth 10 bucks to me

I saw the first 3 and after that stopped watching, as we all know 1 and 2 were great but 3 was a joke. I lost all interest after number 3.

Its something to do when your drunk on Haloween with some CP that ya picked up trick-or-treating :lol

Srsly tho


ideas ideas ideas :shifty

I bet watching this movie will be more torturous than the methods used in the movie.


hey finally looked at that trailer, Love the fact the went after Health Care with that one I bet that alone with hike up the Numbers to see this movie

1st was good, 2nd and 3rd sucked…4th and 5th were awesome. Cant wait to see 6th,

we all know its gunna be the same as the other ones but there so damn addicting to watch theres something about people getting tortured that everyone loves :slight_smile:
