say goodbye to hummer, Saab , and Saturn

GM failing has nothing to do with the size of vehicles on the road. I don’t feel safe in a small car, and the more metal around me the better, especially since they let retards like Shaggy drive a semi. Fuck that, I would drive around in a sherman tank if I were allowed.

I see where you are coming from, but at the same time if companies start making more economical cars, there will be less and less huge SUV’s and trucks on the road. So you won’t have to worry AS MUCH about getting t-boned by a hummer while you are in your ford fiesta. Not saying that there won’t be any huge vehicles on the road, since they still serve a purpose for some people, but I think the popularity would drop significantly if the economy slips.

Thought this video was interesting. I can 't believe that the average GM employee within the union gets benefits and pay equal to $70 an hour and free lifetime healthcare. No wonder these companies are bleeding billions of dollars a year.


I think it’s going to be a shame to see Saturn go now that I think about it. They have built crappy plastic cars for years, and the new ones coming out (the Opel ripoffs) are finally starting to come together. Their current lineup actually looks like decent cars, compared to what they’ve made in the past that is.

The Saabs looked nice, but really… a brand new 9-3 in the $40k+ range is ridiculous.

Hummer - Good riddance.

I would drive around in a sherman tank… wait, no I wouldn’t, because they are fucking stupid and that would make me into a scared little fucking pussy.

i agree with you what you say. 99% of americans think bigger is better.

however, that is not the case. structure of a car, as well as materials used play more of a roll in saftey than size. a big rigid car–ala 60’s technology-- will pass more shock on to the driver. newer cars-- especially small cars-- are designed to crumple/fail away form the cabin and take the orce of the accident.

i agree that there is still a need for big cars. however, i dont think the need for that market is there. majority of people get a big car simply b/c bigger is better theory. we see how that works w/ mcdonalds and end result of being a fat ass… bigger is not always better.

how unoriginal, get your own saying :moon: :smiley:

Truth. Even the Smart Cars crash better than many larger cars, and they are tiny.


You will get mugged again and shot. No need to worry about me…



do no believe everything you read. they do not get lifetime benefits like you believe. my dad just had surjury and used his retired military health insurance. so let me guess we should get rid of lifetime free health care for retired military vets.
yes my dad retired out of fisher body after 30+ years

see ya

This brings back memories of my 83GTi. 2050#, decent power(for the times), handled like a go kart and got 30+ MPG, even when i beat the snot out of it(which was pretty much always).
And for this, i cannot resist.

how many smart car owners did you blow as research prior to posting this?

You drive a full size 4x4 pick up, don’t you?