Say goodbye to the "lot"

saturns are “cute”, just like my altima was :lol

when we first met her shes like omg i love your blue car what is it??? evan goes “its a saturn” shes like ohhhhh well its still nice!


word bitches think saturns are great :Idiots

the ones that cant fight are the ones that bring guns, why do you think p/rs always have 4 or more to a group, there cowards…:Idiots

… and I agree, they wayched F&F to many times.

… Remember, I only race 4 cilinda’ and not less than foh hundrid dolla downs to race us… dat GT of yos a V8…:rofl:retardclap

Calm down…you = a PR


You’re welcome Evan… lolz.

bull SHIT

relating to wat?! :popc:

not giving out to much info but its a slim chance that we find this clown. Car is reg to some girl and she has moved since… go figure. Who knows where she is now. The detective is doing all he can.

So i called my insurance company today to file a claim so i told them what happened and shes like did you get any info? i go yea i got their plate she goes YESSSS!!! perfect now hes really screwed! lol this 60 year old lady flipping out on the phone was so funny

keeler estimate - $1,369
Lia estimate - $2,022

insurance dude will be calling me tomorrow to set up a time to meet. the back bumper needed to be painted anyway which is good. They said its deff fixable and i wont be able to tell. They are pulling out the dents and using almost no filler. Just a matter of time before all this bs is over. My head no longer hurts and my black eye is just about gone fuckin 7 pr’s and all i got was a black eye lol

sounds like things are on the right track. hope they find the POS.

good ever through of pressing charges if/when you find out who it is?

i always have a gun and im not PR

dude seriously, im packing heat from now on. fuck it.

So basically there is almost zero chance in finding these losers. Figures…

Guns are for pussies who can’t handle catching a fist to the face.

Yeah, great we’re gonna have a shoot out now. This isnt the fucking wild west.

We just need an exterminator to rid us of our cockroach problem. Somebody call Orkin.

Or just send the greaseballs to Amsterdam. Theyll love it there. More homies and a Taco Bell.

sry to hear about yah brian…by the time i came down to the lower lot you were wipin up blood…shit sux man…i know it doesn’t mean much but mabey shift518 and its members can get something together to get yer car fixed???..kinda what we did for failvis but mabey on a friday nite or sumthing???

Do we need a fundraiser if insurance is going to cover it though? The greaseball PR’s shitbox has insurance, no matter which baby’s mama’s name its in.