Say goodbye to the "lot"

what about a deductible???

The guilty party will cover that too. Since it was the PR’s fault his insurance will cover the deductable and the guy making the claim doesnt pay anything.

milk for all he’s worth man…you mite get some hacked springs and a pair of altezza’s…fuck that lil bastard pr and send him packing

I know Id take it to the most expensive body shop around.

PR might need to get a fucking job to pay his insurance instead of using his welfare check.

Im still curious as to what the reason for letting PR’s into this country and giving them the opportunity to suck off our welfare system is.

:number1 quoted for troof

They can’t find who hit him… so the $ is coming out of Brian’s pocket, not the PR’s…

This shit pisses me OFF so much. For those of you who know me you know I don’t get angry too often, but god damn… this is ridiculous.

shift 518 fund for brians deductable or if its cheaper to just pay outright to have it fixed???

Nah, it’s between $1300 and $2000+ worth of damage. Deduct. is $500.

aiite aiite…when we had the benefit for failvis we raised like $600…500 shud be no prob…anyone want to organize this???

Doesnt somebody have a plate #? I thought they got it.


Plate belongs to some girl who no longer lives at the address that the car is registered to.

Theres gotta be a way to track her down. Welfare check, food stamps, rental agreement, etc. People dont just vanish without a trace like that.

brian, i’ve never met you, but like i said, my grandpa is a private investigator and should be able to find out all the information you need and more at the click of a button. PM/IM me if you’d like to talk more

Tracking someone down is NOT hard at all. Ive done it numerous times.

i dont know exactly the program he uses but it’s available to licensed and certified P.I.'s only. lawyers from all over the area come to him/his partner to have people looked up. i’ve never seen him use it or had to have him use it, i just know it’s a lot more comprehensive and detailed than some of the other stuff out there. not saying he has access to FBI records and shit, but he’s dug up a lot of stuff on a lot of people over the years. now that we have a plate and name (right?), this should be a breeze for the gramps

Gramps is still investigating me…Kellogg’s employee.

:lmao :lmao :lmao

sometimes i feel bad playing tricks on him like that, but it’s just too funny, and he’s done the same to me before :rofl

holy shit!:sHa_rofl: I am seriously laughing so hard right now its not even funny… after seeing kramers new avatar…

oh. no! joey jiggs went gangsta style like he lived in the bronx all his life…:ahh


Well no name, the name was registered to a female. But its not hard to run the #'s on her, find her and interrogate about the PR that did it.