Say goodbye to the "lot"

Correct me if I’m wrong, but since her vehicle is involved, shes liable for the accident?

Ehh, at first she may be held liable, until they find the guy that actually committed the crime. THen she would have to take him to court for reparations. Kind of a tough situation

So yea, that sucks a bit, especially for Brian.

Shit like this happens every year,and it gets consistently worse each year. Let’s just go where everyone can go, even if the PR’s can find it. I know we’ve gotten kicked out before, but I’d like to go to Crossgate’s or Crossgate’s commons. Is that Wal-Mart open 24hr now that it’s a super center? Let’s try there and if we get kicked out, we get kicked out and then find another place. Simple as that. Just respect the parking lot and we should be fine.

Exactly, I’ve suggested it 15 times. It’d be so easy to get a agreement w/ a local business for a hangout spot, but no one takes the time to do it. If I was local, it would have been done years ago.

Walmart is only open until midnight there and a few weeks ago some of us went there after getting kicked out of McDonald’s and Albany PD kicked everybody out of there as well.

I remember watching a video that a bunch of car guys were hanging out, had written permission to be there and the cops came and STILL kicked everyone out. They said they were “violating a noise ordinance”.

well albany knows the races go on and if they see all of us sitting there waht are they going to think?

I am not paying one penny to get my car fixed, infact ill be making a few hundred off of it. My insurance is after their insurance rite now… got a claims guy coming tomorrow to look at my pile.

I like the walmart and circut city there… Parkin lots big, its generaly pretty quiet and theres clear acess to the strip, not that it will be used for awhile…

A few weeks Me, Big red, Dave from inline, Jeff, PJB and a few others stopped by there after they kicked everyone out from the lot. We were there about 45 mins when the APD Cruisers came in… I talked to one of the cops he was kind of a dick at first but pretty cool afterwards… pretty much said People in surrounding areas have been calling non stop about the loud racers on the extension (the civics with no exhausts) going by constantly non stop… He said their chief and CPD’s chief are telling them to do whatever it is they have to do to get everyone out from the area and quiet it down and that he knows not all of us are involved with that but they dont know exactly whos doing what and the assholes are ruining it for everyone

Wrote down all our plates and then said we were alright to leave…

'Kenzie/Adam, remember last year we were there and the cops got called on us for a “gang fight” - good times.

Yeah :lol

Someone drove by and saw all of us standing around and they though we were having some fight club shit goin on

It was sort of strange looking.
F-body guys on one side, Mustang guys on the other.

The cops kicked everybody out of CC after I left and was headed back to McDonald’s so I didnt totally know what happened there.

Ricers will find the commons, they go there as a backup, and have ruined it for us there before. Just keep this in mind, if you plan on “having some fun” at the spot, and you park in the commons, thats all APD jurisdiction. As where the lot is CPD, to you dont have to deal with what you did in APD’s territory. I know where Ill be goin, nice and dark, with a quiet spot to run.


IDK they both seem tough, and a pain…:ohnoes

from my experience, CPD>APD lol

lets try out this new place in Albany and see how that works


The lot sucks, I don’t really even go anymore.

<—Really misses the old days.

Your guys “new” spot seems a bit risky at minumum. You guys havent had any problems hanging in that area??