Say goodbye to the "lot"

well I like hangin out with everyone. where else are people goin. PM me if its a secret so non members cant read it.

Ill PM alot of the people on here when I get shit setup, and see how many people we can get at the new spot.

sounds good. im down

Where is Darwinism?

Anyhow, you wonder why stereotypes exist. Well, for this reason. I honestly try to wonder how people can justify that behavior. 7 on 1 should only exist if someone beats up a women or a senior citizen.

I’m not suprised this has happened. Brian, I hope you make a speedy recovery. I know what it’s like to be jumped by a group of people first hand so I certainly can relate to what you went through. Were any of these guys arrested?

Everyone on here seems like a good bunch of dudes on here and its really terrible to hear of something like this.

Wow this is total bull shit. Now I know why I never go to the lot. Way to many Piece of shit people there. If they all don’t want to race everybody with there riced out piles of shit then they are looking to beat someones ass for no apperant reason.

Hope Brian’s doing alright.


what I dont understand is this same shit happened last year and everyone still pursued on going there, knowing this would happen again and it could have been prevented as simple as driving a little bit further every weekend to the park and ride

*** I only read the first post, nothing else in this thread until I get back later I will read all of it, I dont have time right now so if anyone was seriously hurt or whatever, Im sorry****

We have a new place in mind that’s here in TOC not even 5 minutes from the lot and secluded from the road. We checked it out today and it seems like a great place to start a new hangout.

Pretty shitty stuff going on there. I was there friday night and had a good time .

There are quite a few places that are GREAT spots to chill. We have one right now, but the parking lot is small, and its “someone elses” spot. So its an invte kinda thing, and of course ya need to act respectful.

Heard about this last night…was on my way home and swung in and Chris (GermanPSI) told me the story. Shit is fucked up.

G/L with everything Brian, shitty situation man.

I’m sure Brian will let you know of our new place. We checked it out today and it’s got a HUGE parking lot and is secluded from the main road. The only problem I see is lighting, I am not sure how it will be at night as I didn’t see very many lights.

That’s not happening. Idk who you’re getting this from but I have probably one of the best sources about that and that is 100% not accurate and a rumor.

whats the word ??

either way, i dont suggest going there anyway

I don’t know about them running every plate and all, but there will be no more loitering in those parking lots. You can bet your cars on it…

Us T.O.C. children will be setting up our new spot soon. Maybe it’s best to have a few smaller spots rather than one large meet. I’m sure we’ll figure it out soon enough.

off topic but chris do you have the cf hood on your car? were you at the lot on friday and then at fmcc saturday ? I cant tell from your sig if its you or another coblat.

Oh no doubt they won’t allow hanging out in McDonald’s or Khol’s, atleast for a few weeks like what’s happened the past few times there’s been physical confrontations with the scummers there.
But I can find out tomorrow or Tues. about what the deal is with it.

Not going to happen, it may be a temp cool down spot but the lot will never change untill there a giant crater froma nuclear warhead in the parking lot

you hardly even go there and make fun of the people who do so what the fuck do you care? your the last person I would support the spot when I’ve seen you there a handfull of tims