wha i dont like adam about the invite spot is that word will get around and wreck that one id leave it as a invite only no disrespect to any others but but some of you on here feed off the bullshit and help it escalate
No. CF hood = very gay.
I don’t really go to the lot, for reasons I don’t want to ramble about here.
I was at LG with my car last night though, I cruised up and down the strip a few times and did a john force burnout because I promised a girl riding in the bed of a pickup truck I would rope em if she showed me her bewbs… and she did :lol
But back on topic…
Thats why I said “us colonie children.” Meaning the people I actually do hang out with.
Not to be a dick, but I honestly could careless if you were there or not. I didn’t and don’t plan on telling you where the new place is if we decide to go there.
This is why idont come out as often , why would i risk losing my rights to protect myself because some jungle monkey cant act cival? Theres too many laws and liabilitys to be playing their stupid games.
Brian i dont think i ever met you but im glad your ok.
do i get a invite??? ill show ya my bewbs
stfu jon… some of us younger gens dont like this drama bs…
I’ve come from being the lil 13 year old that follows everyone around not saying a word ooing and ahhing over cars to having a car of my own and supporting the scene…
it pisses me off…
I don’t really care… I’ll follow the people I acctualy like to conversate with and dick aroudn with weather its their spot or yours
I’m sure itd be easy enough to find if I wanted to anyways… Im sure its been brought up before and people have thought about “your spot” as some of these guys have been hear a lot longer and have contemplated and looked for new spots with no sucess
the reason people love and hate the lot is because its not secluded… If a real car enthusast has no idea where people hangout and is crusing central one day and sees a huge lot full of cars, he has a place to go and hangout…
but thats the reason people hate it also…it bring about a lot of fucking retards
I would say if you guys still want somewhere to chill at. Find a few spots and switch it up every weekend. Less chance of people turning it into a Fags R’ Us.
sorry to hear about this Brian. i hope you get everything figured out with the accident and the police. Best of luck Bud.
did i mention u ?no i didnt your a good kid so i wouldnt worry about you .now say your sorry before i skull fuck ya preaty boy
aww im pretty to you
sexytime next friday?
im out for a few weeks ,car needs some attention but she will be good when it is back out
We have a spot that already have people gathering at, and have been for years.
It came from a cop, so take it as you will…
Yup, there isnt gonna be a ton of people over there, which is nice. Pretty much just the fast cars, and chill people. Thats why I like the small spot, not enough room for idiots to come. And it wont get wrecked…
i dont think he was talking about your car, gramps
I see. We were thinking about going there with just us car fags from high school, but who knows. Just have to take it day by day.
that will get old quick…
Lemme know when you guys wanna come to the new spot if you get tired of yours:thumbup
pm me some details mustang man
hey whatever man, you must know
I can guarantee there will not be 12 Colonie Police, and a patty wagon running every plate. This is from a very high up officer, not one of the rookies you may know.
I know you think that you “know” everyone and such but take it as you will. Show up to the lot and get tickets, idc. No, there probably will not be 12, but there will be an unusual amount of officers hanging out there, and around the surrounding area.