scaling is not an issue any more with new tvs. ur best bang for the buck is a 46in 1080p lcd by samsung. i just quit worken @ best buy about 2 wks ago & i used to work in the home theatre department pm me with any questions.
things u wanna look for in new tv’s r:
refresh rate
contrast ratio
hdmi ports
if its 720p or 1080p
***the write up on 1080p tv’s are rediculous average around about $900-$1400 over the cost price!!!
the only reason u would have to really buy a 1080p tv is if u wanted to use a blue ray player otherwise nothing will even begin to be broadcasted in 1080p til bout 4-5 years down the road. hd is in direc tv now & time warner but with minimal channels. by summer time they said anywhere from 50-150channels to b broadcasted in hd.