1080p Dead... Welcome 4096x2160


wow…price tag will be high $

damn… hopefully it’ll drive prices on existing units down

1080p is plently clear for me

fuck 720p is good enough for me

and you wont be able to see broadcast TV in that resolution until FIOS is the standard

thats along ways away, they cant even display the current shit without the bandwidth getting sucked up. (ADELPHIA)…lol

but even on directv there is still some pixelation on some stations during fast scenes. What these stations need to do is fucking raise the power of theyre towers, then see if they can handle the higher resolutions. Canada must of done something recently to theyre HD towers, i was able to pull in about 5-6 canadian stations with my DB4, now nothing is coming in, so it seems they are working on something over there, hopefully making the towers stronger.

the film industry just wants to make it harder to rip full quality dvds

It will be interesting when Blu-Ray and HDDVD are out and people want to rip them. I might have to get a Linux box going but I think the DRM infestation is on the firmware level rather than the OS level.

1080p won’t be a broadcast standard probably ever (read well in excess of 10 years), let alone anything like that. Shit, weren’t we supposed to be done converting to 720p already?

Popular Mechanics had a good article on 1080i vs 1080p and were explaining how it’s almost impossible to tell the difference, even on a screen as big as 65", with the naked eye. So this seems even more pointless.

i was at tweeter the other day and was looking at a 50" sony that was 720p, will this be good enough for HDTV cable and normal dvd’s?

True, there isn’t a need for 1080p on sets that aren’t in to the 60" range, most people just buy them for the e-cock factor.

that is not, with a good scource, read Universal Disc Player stanard, you can notice anti aliassing effects and shadow as well as ghost trails. Plus run the flaf test and you will notice wierd fade in and fade out effects.

Yes I own a TV that does 1080P, but do to scource I run everything in 720P

To the person that is asking about the sony 720P set, if you are asking that question in general than yes it will be good enough for you.

god I wish everything was in 720p…fucking 480p FTL

:word: 480p looks like asscrack on my 60 inch sony sxrd. 720p is pretty good, 1080i is amazing, call of duty 2 on xbox 360 totally rocks :tup: :smiley:

word i got1080i

you play cod2 on live?

if i get an xbox360 will i notice a difference between a 720p tv and a 1080p tv?

yes because xbox does not do 1080P, shit xbox does not even do HDCP

and you wont find a DVD player that does better than 480P that you know about, unless you plan on spending more that $600 on a a universal disc player, and most people here don’t

even the HD-DVD players are lacking as of now, the pic isnt really that great. I upscale and it looks fine on my big plasma. No need for me to spend 600 on a HDDVD to get almost the same quality.

what about those new HD DVD players or bluray, if i get one of those would it be better to have the 1080 instead of the 720. I dont want to get the 720 set and have it be below the standards in 3 years, is it worth it to get the higher 1080 set now?

is your plasma 720p?