school loan"zz

so this is my last year for loans …
My question is how does it work , will FASA and Citi Bank send me a final bill when I am all done?
When you consolidate the student loans do you take both bill’zz from the lender’zz and go to a bank of your choice and apply for one big loan?

I paid mine off in full and all I saw was the websites showing 0 balance. I didn’t see any mail, but it might have come to a different address.


When you consolidate, they payoff the old loans. The old lenders usually send a letter saying that the loan is paid off, then you get the big bill from the new lender.

did the same, screw paying $50+ a month for 3 years or whatever. done. gone

edit: by the time the 6 months was up that I did not have to pay, i saved up so I could pay it all off

how much will you all be in the hole for, or how much are you in the hole for …

looks like $24,000 when I am done… two of my buddys are $50,000 +

i feel bad for people that go to Can. and NU and pay a good chunk of change (not to mention RIT or elsewhere) just to get the same or less pay than some1 at UB with the same degree and 1/4 the tuition


5 years at RIT (including co-op), 27k in loans, all paid 6 months after I graduated. Everything paid for by me, no parental help. I wouldn’t consider that too bad, especially since I got a damn good paying job as soon as I started looking.

My boss is from Canisius. My boss’s boss is from Canisius. 2 of the 3 top guys in my department are from Canisius. Our alumni take care of our own once we graduate. At UB you’re a dime a dozen.

I thought RIT was like 30 a year? is that another ROC school?

and congrats I’m just saying I know people well over 60k in loans for no reason

interesting i know 3 finance majors from Canisius can’t find shit but selling health insurance for 20k / yr lol

BTW I’m not putting down any school just curious as to the benefit of high tuition costs to any better education, obv. this will vary from major to major.

just in my experience and with friends many wish they WOULDN’T have spend that extra money for senior classes with 10 less people in them lol

Sure, the price tag is high, but there’s no reason ANYONE with half a brain should pay full price for any school. Scholarships and grants are all over out there, you just have to do some work to get them.

for grad school get your employer to pay and go the best school.

I’m more surprised by the smart people in this thread who think paying off student loans fast is a good idea.

haha that sucks. but with the financial industry a complete wreck right now there’s former 6 figure investment bankers selling health insurance for 20k / yr.

At over 6.7% interest, it is.

yeah if you deduct whatever % tax bracket you’re in from your student loans and its still higher than you earn on your money it makes sense.

if that’s the case then agreed, but couldn’t you re-fi down to like 3-5%, or non-subsidized loans etc?

my student loans are locked at like 4% and my house is at 5.5% plus I used the time I wasn’t paying off loans to save for the house. plus if I lose employment you can pause the student loans.

Possibly could have, I didn’t really explore it much. I figure I paid no interest at all on them while I was in school and the rate was high, so since I had the money, I just paid them off. Now I don’t ever have to worry about school loans.

Most of my loans are locked at 2.875%. I make the min payment on them every month from now til forever. I have one from grad school that’s 6.8% fixed for about 8 grand. I’m paying that bastard off ASAP, it’s cheaper than refi.