school loan"zz

as long as you can’t make > 6.8% investing with that money instead of paying off the loan, right?

so how much do most of you guys pay a month… I am looking at $200

Apples to oranges. UB is a big public research school.

i pay a little over $200 a month @ 3.73% (had to check…)

i’m with tehblue. i have 2 RIT loans, both interest rates are adjusted once a year, but they are VERY low. I’m not planning on paying much more than the minimum payments for a good long while, at least until the interest rates are significantly higher than my mortgage.
the student loans between my wife and i are just a bit lower than our mortgage

Between housing/tuition/books I am staring down a bit over 55k and will start paying it back in the next few months.

Doing it all yourself can be a bear…

fuck i really need to look into consolidating my loans…

j-rod pm me with whatever info you found out on the topic plz.

just started to think about consolidating, I do not have to till dec when I am done …

Mine is $200.18 a month, about $20k worth of debt. 12 of which is consolidated at 2.9% and will be dragged out to term, which represents $100 a month, and $8k is at a 6.8% fixed rate that cannot be consolidated :gay: , and represents the other $100. This will be paid off ASAP.

209.55 a month for me for $18k loans. Trying to consolidate the best I can.