School me on bikes


To respond to everything said, my rationale for dieing easier on a sport bike is well, going fast on a sport bike is what they are for, cruiser is for, cruising at the speed limit-ish. That is my rationale for less dieing, I fully realize that I can die on either, and that many bike fatalities are a result of other drivers.


While I was riding with my buddy last summer I wanted to know what 16k rpm felt like between my legs so I slowly rolled on through first gear, then popped it into second near redline and the front wheel hopped on me. Enough to make you pucker a bit when you’re not used to it.

Later on, everyone took off and I wanted to see how hard the thing pulled, so I whacked the throttle open, looked down and saw a buck twenty. Another puckering moment when you’re not used to it. Thankfully I was used to it enough to know to not panic and grab the brake hard or something equally stupid.

At another point in the ride I was rolling on the throttle powering out of the exit of a corner and went into a tank slapper. I wasn’t used to the power and accidentally lightened the front tire a bit too much. Thankfully that wasn’t my first tank slapper (weave if you want to get technical, you don’t often recover from a true lock-lock tank slapper) so I instinctively shut the throttle and held on tight and things got better.

Sure none of it was that serious and all of it was my own doing. Just sayin, it’s easy to put yourself in a potentially bad situation on something that accelerates as fast as a modern 600cc sport bike so starting on less of a bike isn’t a bad idea.