School me on home audio

Well, find a receiver you like that has preamp outs, and get a good amp. Theres a whole lot of selection here. But youre going to need to go to a local shop to get B&W speakers anyways, and there isnt going to be much else thats better than the 685’s in that price range. And i wouldn’t get worse than that. If you cant spend $600 on speakers, get one of those boxes that have all the good stuff already shoved in them.

You probably can find a B&W reseller in your area on B&W’s website. Stop by and see what they tell you to get. If you feel comfortable with thier recommendations, get it. If not, go home and see what AVS says about the stuff they want you to get. Most of those guys are somewhat knowledgeable.

But yes, a receiver is very practical for most people. You can connect tons of devices into it and it switches them all for you, allows for decoding of multi channel auto and whatnot if youre into that. Im not sure if you want more than just 2 channel audio, but the surround speakers dont matter nearly as much as the fronts. And a good center is a good idea.

Get a beefy amp plugged into that receiver and you got yourself something decent, and practical. Dont get a amp unless its rated at 2x or more of the RMS constant power handling of the speakers. I would shoot for 3-4x. It makes a big difference when the amp isnt struggling to drive your speakers.

do you mean something with a preamp controlling all and the speakers are individually amped or just your two fronts have an amp, and then like a 3/5 channel for everything else. Receiver is a all in one control for everything. where you can get something like this:

with this for the fronts:

with this for the other 5 channels:

EDIT: STOP SAYING RECEIVER, HE DOESN’T NEED ONE… ugh, and stop cramming B&W speakers, there are other choices…

I will be the first one to say that B&K isnt that nice.

Sure its decent but its not very clean, thats the problem with class D amps.

To compare with Bracketracer Denon makes a package with boston acoustics horizon series speakers.

Its $499, has an Hdmi switching receiver, and 5 boston acousitcs horizon satelites and a sub.

Its a sweet deal and you can always update upgrade the other componets later.

And no, you dont need a receiver it just “generally” makes its simpler and a lot cheaper, and with upper end Denon and Marantz you can Bi-amp the mains.

PERSONALLY, I would take my Definitive Technologies Speakers over B&W, and I have heard a lot of B&W’s

Bryston makes some fantastic stuff.

Again Mr.Locutus a budget point would help all of us, help you.

No wai - nothing beats b&w. They are like a honda of speaker world.

On othe hand I need some more trapping… just when I though I had enough

Max, what is that a chart of?

Bass response in my room/on my system relative to broadband pink noise

good speakers also.

If you can swing it, I would look into monitor audio’s RS6 series. They are a little pricier but IMO totally worth the money. I went and looked at B&W with the intent to buy a front stage $1000 but I didnt like any of B&W’s offerings when I heard them side by side to the RS6’s. It really is dependent upon your ears though. I went with Rendyx who has some B&W’s which he loves and I thought I liked until listening to the RS6’s. I loved the RS6’s but Rendyx said they were to bright(sp?) for him. I thought they sounded clearer than the B&W offerings in the same price category but I guess to each his own. Go out there and LISTEN to some speakers side by side. And if you bring a CD, make sure its not full of 128kb rips; Bring an original non ripped CD.

isn’t pat using NAD to power everything… don’t forget it is not just your speakers, it is the whole system as a whole…

Since I love to bump old threads.

I just now added an Energy EW-100 sub.
Got it on sale @ sears.

So far, I like it.
I’m guessing I will like it more when my Integra DTS 9.9 receiver shows up.
Once I buy some new cables I should be in at less than $1k

55 watts, can that even move the cone?

lol. So i log into nyspeed for the first time in years and someone bumps one of my old threads. I should post a pic of my setup… It includes two SVS PB13 Ultras

My friend swears by his SVS subs and tried to get me into the PB-1000
I believe he also has two pb13’s
He’s the one selling me the Integra receiver.

edit: It’s not always about power and size.
The sub works fine for my ears that have yet to be ruined with high end sound :slight_smile:

Meh you could get a Parts Express 12" sub for 100-120, I love mine, thing is awesome.