School me on quad core processors v build me a rig


Does everyone on this bored have an attitude problem or something?
I’ve never seen more people so rude to eachother.

nyspeed has some real winners.


Ding! :stuck_out_tongue:


Would you really trust benchmarks from AMD?


No but look at one of the links i posted of the 45nm Penryn next gen Intel CPU. That was done by some Japanese company or whatever. Usually you will get some kind of idea via benchmarking engineering samples or whatever but there has been really none of that.


Would you really trust benchmarks from Intel?


No, I wouldn’t trust benchmarks from any company on there own product


Preliminary benchmarks don’t mean shit

fuck it im buying an alpha chip and blowing all of you away.

I’m buying a Niagara II


Serious question that I don’t know the answer to:

Why Mac? They used to have some pretty decent technological advantages, and from what I hear OSX is a great OS. But now that they have the same technology as everyone else (Intel processors) is Mac OS really worth the premium you have to pay to get one with comparable hardware? Or am I wrong about them having the same hardware as everyone else?

It sounds like there’s no point to a 4 core processor for personal use yet, as software doesn’t make use of it. I would go the most cost effective dual core route.

But I haven’t really been keeping up with all this shit over the least year or two. Who has a good reason to go 4 core and/or Mac?


honestly… there is nothing a PC can do that an Apple can’t… and vice versa. You’re really just paying for a different looking GUI and slightly different hardware. I think with Apples new marketing, they’re selling their computers as a fashion statement more or less. I know quite a few people that really want a new Mac… most common answer when you ask them why is “it’s cool looking” and/or “it’s better for music/video/ect” :wtf:

at the end of the day… no one is really better than the other. They both have their pro’s and con’s. The PC has a shit load more suppliers for software and hardware though. That and you can’t get any type of “guts” for an apple (that I know of) that Apple doesn’t control. For example, you can’t go on new egg and build yourself a mac to your custom specs… everything is proprietary. I honestly believe that if Apple started designing their system around PC hardware, they’d dominate or atleast close the gap with Microsoft. I know that I would at least dual boot OSX on my PC if I could not PearPC

as for quad core vs dual or single… it all depends on what you do with it. If you run software that is very processor intensive and supports multi cores… the more the better


Does everyone on this bored have an attitude problem or something?
I’ve never seen more people so rude to eachother.

nyspeed has some real winners.


:clap:glad someone said it

NYSpeed certinly isn’t the most friendly board I’ve ever been a member of. Which is why I don’t spend nearly as much time here as I used to.


as for quad core vs dual or single… it all depends on what you do with it. If you run software that is very processor intensive and supports multi cores… the more the better




LOL…you guy crack me up…:zong: I know thats where technology has been for the last several years…but Intel and AMD is focuses on core processing now…you will see 4 cores, 8 cores, 16 core…that is the road ahead for future processors to come. :gay3:


great… intel actually has created an 80 core processor… There will be some new technology that AMD will come up with to save their ass… If they don’t they are fucked…

Even the mid priced processors now are dominated by Intel, this is where AMD has had is share of the market. Now its just the loyal AMD fans that are keeping it alive. I’m sure Intel is just waiting for AMD to release something, and they will have something better to release to put a large black cock in AMD’s ass


Why Mac? They used to have some pretty decent technological advantages, and from what I hear OSX is a great OS. But now that they have the same technology as everyone else (Intel processors) is Mac OS really worth the premium you have to pay to get one with comparable hardware? Or am I wrong about them having the same hardware as everyone else?


Actually, I always thought the prices where inflated on Mac’s until I compared computers from like dell. They are actually pretty equal right now. Of course its a little more difficult to build a mac with hardware from say new egg, so that budget MAC really isn’t insight. where as with windows or linux you could make a $600 computer pretty easily

AMD cannot meet demand right now which is why they are fucked. AMD cannot produce solid 65nm (which Intel has been doing for a while now) which is why they are fucked. Intel is going to be releasing 45nm a short while after AMD’s Barcelona release which is why AMD is fucked. There are too many things going against AMD right now. BTW, those new fangled CPU’s are going to OEM’s, not to the retail channels. AMD is trying it’s hardest to be Intel and they are failing.


as for quad core vs dual or single… it all depends on what you do with it. If you run software that is very processor intensive and supports multi cores… the more the better


I kind of disagree, a quad core will always perform better than a single core, maybe not just with one application, but when you have a large number of processes running the gains are significantly visible.


AMD cannot meet demand right now which is why they are fucked. AMD cannot produce solid 65nm (which Intel has been doing for a while now) which is why they are fucked. Intel is going to be releasing 45nm a short while after AMD’s Barcelona release which is why AMD is fucked. There are too many things going against AMD right now. BTW, those new fangled CPU’s are going to OEM’s, not to the retail channels. AMD is trying it’s hardest to be Intel and they are failing.


which sucks, I’ve always been an AMD fan… and now i’ve just accepted AMD’s fate… At least its driven the competition to make leaps and bounds in processor technology… If only they would compete with Harddrives… I think the HD companies are collaborating on prices :frowning:


which sucks, I’ve always been an AMD fan… and now i’ve just accepted AMD’s fate… At least its driven the competition to make leaps and bounds in processor technology… If only they would compete with Harddrives… I think the HD companies are collaborating on prices :frowning:


AMD does not advertise either. So many people purchase CPU’s on the name only which is why Intel has always been the leader (at least from a # of processors sold standpoint). AMD is shooting themselves in the foot for a bunch of reasons. Everyone loves AMD because they are cheaper but what they don’t realize is the cheaper CPU’s make AMD a weaker company because they are not getting as much from their processor as Intel is. I think last year they posted a HUGE loss (buying ATI was part of it). They may not be selling these CPU’s for enough to even make a profit.

Whats worse is that for the most part AMD doesn’t win out in the performance/cost battle anymore. I did not really know AMD didn’t advertise, that kind of sucks, but i did notice and increase in Dell computers using AMD processors, so i guess thats a step in the right direction there


AMD is trying it’s hardest to be Intel and they are failing.


Until their 4-core processor is released. Just wait and see…AMD is slashing their Dual Core processor prices by 45%+. People will buy.


Wow, neither of you own Intel or AMD… You just support their products… Who the fuck cares, someone just puts out something better the next day. This guy is looking for someone to help build his pc, not get his thread hi-jacked.


But if you were to own you should own stock in intel. Clearly the better stock to own. P/E rations for AMD are not so good, and the quad core isn’t generating much. However it seems that AMD has more in the pipeline (which I just read in papers and have not done research on yet). Intel is used in more applications and since it is school time, both stocks SHOULD see an increase even though we are about to see a decent recession (THANKS BERNANKE YOU ASSHAT) that shouldn’t effect tech all that bad.


I’m sorry, I was trying to help out answer the threads original question.

You guys can go name calling when I’m not around.

Does everyone on this bored have an attitude problem or something?
I’ve never seen more people so rude to eachother.

nyspeed has some real winners.


Welcome lol. There are a lot of people on this site who are very thickheaded and stubborn. If you argue or disagree with a select few they automatically think they are right and you are wrong. With that being said, I am also guilty of the previously mentioned actions. Some people on here are relaxed and like to have conversations without trying to show they have a bigger e-cock then the next guy.