Until their 4-core processor is released. Just wait and see…AMD is slashing their Dual Core processor prices by 45%+. People will buy.
And?? What is that going to do for them? Do you know how much a quad-core processor makes up as far as % of processors sold? Not very much. So IF this thing is released and it smokes the competition (which it won’t, it will be slightly better if anything), how many average joes are going to be buying these quad-core processors? Not enough to turn the tide for AMD. Desktop CPUs are what keeps companies like Intel in business because that is the majority of their business.
Marcus, do you know anything about economics? I mean, seriously, let’s look at this from a pricing standpoint. If you sell your CPU LOWER than you have ever done before, you are not going to be taking as much profit home. AMD has not changed their manufacturing techniques, they do not have a magic CPU making machine that has no costs. So AMD is selling dirt cheap CPU’s and they will probably sell more since the price for consumers and retailers are now less. AMD has to figure out a way for people to buy their processors when they are not drastically lower than Intel or figure out a way to magically make CPUs.
Here is a good example of what I am talking about…