Motivations for tailgating?

^ Right On.

I maintain a consistent 15-20 mph over the speed limit in the left lane to avoid all the idiot fucktards. I never tailgate b/c I;ve been rear ended to many times by people not paying attention to the road. When I am driving, I am in the zone…my full attention is on the road. If you are in my lane and you happen to catch my blinding HID’s come up in your rear view at an alarming rate, please please please, get the fuck out of my way. My car is much faster and better than yours and I am a far superior driver. If you choose to pace the car in the slow lane for more than a minute, completely blocking any chance of me passing you, I will proceed to high beam the fuck out of you until you pull an assanine move like brake checking me…which is really the safest and best decision in a situation like this. Now you can go home and chalk one up for sucking at driving that much more.