Motivations for tailgating?


I have my brake lights on a toggle switch just for such a situation.

I’m just glad you were able to find that passage. Now that you know the law, maybe try obeying it.

This thread is retarded

There, I fixed it for you and shortened your post, since you’re unwilling to admit that there is any reason a person might want to go faster than you, and you could attempt to be considerate and get out of the way.

You’re not breaking the law, so you must be a great citizen, and a wonderful person with whom we get to share the road.

I’m not breaking the law when I carry a gun on my hip, but I don’t think that would be a nice thing to do at Chuck-E-Cheese on a Saturday afternoon.

It’s also legal for people (including dirty old men) to stare at your wife and/or underage daughters when they’re in public.

It’s also legal for me to stand behind your car in the grocery store parking lot, blocking your exit, talking to my friend, while your engine idles and your ice-cream melts.

So maybe you should keep clinging to the law as the “only” standard for your behavior, and see where it gets you.

Should you decide you want to live to a higher standard, and try to actually get along with the people around you, you might find a lot less “assholes” out on the road.

But hey, what do I know, that’s just my $.02.

to the truck drivers out there.

if its late at night, and there are a convoy of tractor trailers maintaining a constant speed. would it piss you off if I rode your wake?

I’m asking because I have done it in the jeep on road trips and gotten a very noticable increase in gas mileage, pulling right up on the ass of a semi. I know they can no longer see me in their mirrors.

lol ive noticed that along 28 as well


Reasonable people can agree to disagree and I understand your point here.

First, I don’t really care how fast people want to drive. However, if a driver insists on driving 90 in a 55 he’s going to have to accept that he is in the minority and won’t be going 90 for very long.

Second, in each of your examples of undesirable but perfectly legal behavior, you are missing one important feature when compared to the tailgater tailgating and expecting the lead car to speed up. In none of these examples is there a built-in expectation to have the other person increase his probability of getting a ticket/breaking the law. It’s just undesirable behavior with no expectation for others to do anything. The tailgating driver’s expectations of others is central to my position and I think it is lost if the above examples are used. I maintain that no other driver should engage in aggressive behavior against another driver that has done absolutely nothing wrong. I believe that the term is “entitlement issues” - the belief that you have right to something that in fact you don’t really have a right to.

I guess what is central to my mindset (and likely missing from many driver’s mindset) is that the highways were designed with constant speed in mind. If more drivers would actually choose a speed and stick to it, many of these tailgating opportunities simply wouldn’t happen. This is the basis of my thinking and probably why it is unintelligible to others.

I guess I view the tailgater in the same light that I view a driver engaging in a poorly executed merge - it is not a requirement to accelerate at a rate to have a conflict with the only other car on the road when merging. But it if often done with the expectation that the other driver change lanes to make the poorly executed merge easier - this driver believes that he can choose whatever speed he wants to and others are compelled to respond (problem is that “yield” sign). In these instances, I always (I can’t get a ticket for that) let the driver in by getting in the left lane but I have to scratch my head and wonder if these folk aren’t out to make things awkward on purpose. Chances are these are the same folk constantly changing their speed to find as many tailgating opportunities as possible and then believe everyone else is the problem.

Nobody cares if you go faster or slower, just stop playing passing-lane blocker, goody tooshoes cruise control only (except when I want to slam my brakes to piss people off)

I tailgate sometimes, but only to make a point to those that are impeding the flow of traffic. I don’t do it out of habit.

I merge like it is supposed to be done, I get my speed up on the ramp, long before I can see the traffic I have to merge into. By the time I get to the end of the ramp, I have matched or exceeded the speed of the traffic, and jump right in.

Personally I hate it when I’m rolling along in the left lane and some “nice guy” cuts me off to let in some slow driver who can’t merge correctly. I guess in some cases, being considerate to one driver has unintended consequences.

^ Right On.

I maintain a consistent 15-20 mph over the speed limit in the left lane to avoid all the idiot fucktards. I never tailgate b/c I;ve been rear ended to many times by people not paying attention to the road. When I am driving, I am in the zone…my full attention is on the road. If you are in my lane and you happen to catch my blinding HID’s come up in your rear view at an alarming rate, please please please, get the fuck out of my way. My car is much faster and better than yours and I am a far superior driver. If you choose to pace the car in the slow lane for more than a minute, completely blocking any chance of me passing you, I will proceed to high beam the fuck out of you until you pull an assanine move like brake checking me…which is really the safest and best decision in a situation like this. Now you can go home and chalk one up for sucking at driving that much more.

I generally just find a semi truck or another slower vehicle on the right and pace them i nthe left lane pissing off the person behind me until he backs off a lil then i’ll let him go past.

Drove about 40 miles on the turn pike like that before some asshole in a m5 got the picture.


Then what is the need for more than one lane, if the design is for constant speed?

I guess YOU never need to be in the left lane, because you will be maintain the same speed as the person in front of you. This alone should fix all of YOUR problems.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It’s not only we can’t see you, You can’t see what is ahead.
what if there is a sudden lane shift ( trucker ) and you strike a cop or someone on the side of the shoulder broke down.

Convoys are crazy dangerous, the other trucks behind the leader can’t see what is ahead either, just cb communication and small you is behind them :nuts:

forgot to add this lazylazer

I won’t yell at you, I won’t brake check you, I won’t even slow down. What I will do is find that loose gravel on the shoulder of the road and drive through it.:slight_smile:

All of your posts can be summed up as: “Some dickhead was tailing me on the highway the other day and it really pissed me off. I’d have liked to have put my foot in his ass, but instead I’m going to try to analyze the occurence in depth on an internet message forum”.


/ thread, quit crying and learn how to drive!

best ever idea !!! car pool !!!