Motivations for tailgating?

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this before…

Probably have. those are not my words, just what has been goin on for countless years…

Here’s my take;

OMG! :rant:
I don’t tail gate any truck, for obvious… obvious reasons. But they do this all the time on 422… they sway so much on all the bends it pounds my car with stones… makes me… wish I had an RPG mounted in the front tail light.

I have no patience for this kind of bullshit. I put in an hour each way to work and back every day, most of which is on a one lane… and truck route.

Today was a stunning example of a trucker that got irritated with me. Oh I dunno, I was 4-5 cars back… typical sway tossing shit all over my car… 20 cars in between him and traffic. Passing zone came up, I dipped out, all clear and I’m gone. As I’m just up to his window he swerves into the oncoming lane to try and make an attempt to pinch me onto the shoulder.

Luckily I had a good 30mph on him and slipped thru while he wiggled to pull the truck back after swerving so hard. Guess it wasn’t his day.

I don’t tail gate, I don’t brake check. I speed when conditions merit the ability to. I’m a 60+ on 422 kinda person. Most people do atleast 50 on this road. The cops won’t even look at you for going 60. I prefer 70-80. And I cannot stand 45-70,50-70,50-70… go 60 the whole time. I’ll patiently trail along behind you! I probably won’t even bother passing.

But I always pass trucks. They just bombard my car with too much shit. I do so in a legal passing zone and accelerate fully, and also leave plenty of room between before re-entering their lane.

On the highway I’m a left lane driver. Obviously because I’m going 15-30mph faster than highway traffic speeds. I’m a firm believer I should never have to touch my brake pedal on the highway. Ever. If you prefer to do the speed limit, I fully understand. I’ll hover behind you at a safe distance fully expecting you to move over at your earliest ability to without having to speed up more than a little to do so. But make me sit behind you for no reason lasts about 2 minutes or so. Then I close the gap, and give you one last try to learn how to drive. Maybe one of those real soft half taps of the horn. The courteous ones, like at a light when the person fell asleep on front of you. Or I’ll waver a bit so my normal lights give you a small glint in your mirrors.

But after that I WILL pass you. Usually by then the guy in the slow lane has enough sense to either speed up and let me thru, or slow down and let me thru. Alot of people do undertsand the unwritten rules of the road. Its just the few that dont that make day to day stuff such a hassle.

figured I’d ask.

None of the trucks ever seemed to mind, If they do something, like head for the gravel, that shows me they don’t want me there, I’ll go away 'cause I’m not trying to step on any toes.

Gravel insnt going to hurt the Jeep, but I guess its a better way of saying NO than spiking the breaks and getting to know me better.

If I do it again, I’ll bring the hand held cb and ask.

Sometimes I have the urge to tailgate some idiots but don’t mainly to preserve my paint, and reduce the risk of rear-ending them.

I’m a huge person on moving to the right when not passing. It’s so annoying seeing people cruise in the left lane, although if I want to pass and someone is in the left cruising next to someone else I’ll just flash the lights once and wait. I’m not the police or your parent, so I’ll move over to the right even if I’m going triple digits. If I’m going 105 and you want to go 110 that’s your choice and I’ll move out of the way.

When I see people use their blinker, pass me, wait until they’re a few lengths ahead, and use their blinker again I feel like getting out and giving them a hug. I love these people :bigthumb:

Edit: Also, if you tailgate me I don’t really care. A lot of people I know get to frustrated but it’s their problem if they hit me, not mine. Every once in a while I do ride the brakes a tiny bit and watch the rear view mirror to see them perk up haha



Not quite. I was looking to have a dialog with the tailgater’s mindset and knew that:

  1. It can’t happen with the tailgater at the time
  2. I wanted to see if my conclusions about the mindset was correct (they are)
  3. I knew that this site (of the 6 car forums that I visit daily) would most likely have the most folk that tailgate

It was a little surprising how long it took to get open, genuine statements.

Also, the “constant speed” statement wasn’t fully understood in a previous post - the constant speed concept is by driver and is not intended to mean that everyone drives the same constant speed. If you want to go 80, go 80 and stick to it. If you want to go 50, go 50 and stick to it. In that scenario (and yes, I spent 2 years living where this is exactly how it was done), left lane/right lane decisions make perfect sense and it obvious how long a car will be in the left lane to make a pass.

The drivers that drive 55, 65, 75, 65, 55, 65, 55, 65 in the course of 2 miles are the ones that make things more difficult than they need to be. That is the source of the constant speed statement…


on your big truck?

really who cares?





Especially on the two-lanes. If you’re not happy with 15 over the limit, imagine how bad you’d feel at 15 under.

“Guess they shoulda left earlier.”

I always seem to get the people that tailgate through towns, all the way up to stoplights.
I just happen to stop extremely fast at this point, wouldn’t want to run a red light or anything.

When I pass on the interstate, I speed up just so I’m not in the left lane longer then I should be, and if I check and I see way back behind me someone coming up at 30 faster then me, I’ll slow my ass down and wait to pass so I don’t hold him up.

It’s not that hard to make sure no one tailgates you on the interstate, no one is going to for no good reason.

I always see it sort of like someone else did in this thread, if what I’m doing is going to cause someone else to brake, either on the highway or through towns, I don’t do it.
Passing, pulling out onto roads, lane changes. Anything really…I know I hate when I have to slow down because someone pulls out and doesn’t accelerate fast enough!

the people cruising the speed limit in the left lane need to die.

they get tailgated, they get flashed, they get beeped at till they get the fuck over where they belong

Hahaha, I get a kick out of that, too. Then they go to pass you in the other lane, and you drop the hammer. That really gets people steaming.

no… that means youre a jack-off dumb ass driver that needs to get the fuck off of pubic roads.

:rofl: :rofl:

If I’m going 20 over the limit on a two lane road, and you’re riding my ass so close I can’t see your headlights, who is the jack-off? I wouldn’t go 15 under, but if I slow down to the speed limit, then it’s your problem.

And besides, I haven’t been on any “pubic” roads lately. (had to do it. :hs: )