School me on quad core processors v build me a rig


which sucks, I’ve always been an AMD fan… and now i’ve just accepted AMD’s fate… At least its driven the competition to make leaps and bounds in processor technology… If only they would compete with Harddrives… I think the HD companies are collaborating on prices :frowning:


AMD does not advertise either. So many people purchase CPU’s on the name only which is why Intel has always been the leader (at least from a # of processors sold standpoint). AMD is shooting themselves in the foot for a bunch of reasons. Everyone loves AMD because they are cheaper but what they don’t realize is the cheaper CPU’s make AMD a weaker company because they are not getting as much from their processor as Intel is. I think last year they posted a HUGE loss (buying ATI was part of it). They may not be selling these CPU’s for enough to even make a profit.