School me on stopping...

so i bought this nice new pair of mission hockey roller blades from derek (brd5oh)… i have been playing ice hockey like 2x per week for about 8 months now. i am a pretty good skater, given my inexperience.

the only problem is, i cant stop on roller blades! i am obviously used to stopping on ice skates, not roller blades. what is the proper technique for stopping on roller blades???

im retarded :bloated:

I’ve always turned my right foot to drag the wheels sideways to slow down slowly, perpendicular to my left foot. For a fast stop I would hop a bit and spin my left foot so it was going backwards and simultaneously turn my right foot perpendicular but in the direction I’m going and put it into the ground to stop. It’s kinda like a hockey stop but with only my right foot while the left rolls backwards. Really hard to explain, sorry lol.


or you could do this, but I’d be on my ass

and here’s how i stop, yes i even play this music in my head when i do it lol

as retarded as this sounds, i still stop better on roller blades than ice skates :bloated: i played roller for years before i went to ice… i noticed when i first started playing ice that whenever my instinct was to stop when i was on roller blades, i would end up almost doing a 180 instead… so with that being said its definitely a different “motion” like stated above, which is hard to explain by typing lol

edit after watching those videos, thats definitely not how i stop hahaha feet the same direction etc like an ice hockey stop, but i guess you could say the leading foot is a bit further away than the trailing one as opposed to ice where they are right on top of eachother… again hard to explain on here!

thats pretty much how it ends up going down most of the time in quick situations

other than that, the #2 video is pretty much how I stop most times, with more and more practice that humongous circle that guy did when he did it will get smaller and smaller, and eventually it’ll be somewhat similar to how you stop on ice

:tup: GREAT info guys, i appreciate it.

jay, i actually had the same problem. i used to play roller hockey as a kid, just pickup street games, and i only ever had those recreational crappy skates. i always took the stoppers off for crossover purposes. and i just used to spin around to stop, which was wildly inefficient and shitty.

now that i started playing ice hockey for the first time 8 months ago, that spinorama stop has been a tough habit to break. so i know what you mean. i have been slowly re-learning the right way to skate on ice, now i need to do it on blades too.

I just stop like I do in ice hockey. Yes I do occasionally fall on my ass in doing so, but overall I find it to be successful. Obviously it isn’t an instant stop like on ice but its always done the trick for me.

i think i would actually die… lol

yea, thats the wierd thing tho, i can “ice hockey” stop on roller blades, but when you try to apply that same technique on ice skates its actually a bit different of a motion, who’d of thought haha it was definitely frustrating for a while, i still have a ways to go but atleast i can get by now

I stop the same way in roller as i do in ice. The wheels and the court your on, really affect the way you should stop. For the sport court, you have to have soft wheels nothing else and then its all about trusting you edges…just like learning to stop on ice.

Its all about just knowing how much you have to push against the grain. Push too much, and you wipe out, not enough you slide sideways. There’s a happy medium thats for sure.

I can’t stop for shit on ice though. I never played long enough to master the technique.

On roller I can stop with one skate going backwards and forwards.

It’s all about practicing.

Off topic: Sam, got any extra spots on your ice team? I was looking to get into ice before I broke my arm. I’ll be looking for a team come fall.

i dunno i just hockey stop on my roller blades like i would on ice skates… all though I haven’t played on ice in a long time so maybe i don’t remember it the same as I used to

this is how I stop.

I’m usually going faster tho.

the skate drag works well if you got time to stop but if you gotta get the other direction fast the slide is great, its alot harder to do on a sportcourt. practice outside on the blacktop till you get good at it, the blacktop lets your wheels slide better so you can get the body angles right and not end up on your face. also dont try it in those sticky court wheels or youre gonna be in pain, i broke my ankle that way trying to use sticky wheels and my skate stopped imediatly but my body kept moving.