Science Fights Global Warming With Enzymes?

That’s internet jargon from the shit hole that is

kind of like tunning, around here.

Hmm… It’s somewhat generally accepted that a big ass meteorite hit the earth, clouded shit over, and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. I hope that’s not true because if one big meteorite wiped out a whole class of animals then maybe it’s not so hard to believe that burning all the fossil fuel in the planet in the evolutionary blink of an eye could fcuk the world right quick. :gotme:

Time to develop some rapid photosynthesizers. Screw trees, lets start turning CO2 into O2 ourselves. :tup:

On a related note, it’s pretty cool how much our planet changes with time. I was watching a show on TV this weekend on the times before the Dinosaurs and I guess at one point the earth was such a lush swampy place that the atmosphere contained like 33%+ oxygen! :jawdrop:

I was just saying a few weeks ago that the next richest person on earth will be the one who will invent this.

WTF, get to work.

Like bikerfry said in the super size me thread, im not smart or intelligent enough :frowning:

I’m gonna invent one that’s gas powered. :tup: