Scientists clear path to eternal youth.

Ilya…this seems fitting for you.

Nick, RL+rep for that post, aaaaaaand INB4ANALOGY

+rep :rofl

If you wanna believe in a god believe in a god…thats personal choice…organized religion is the greatest pyramid scheme in the history of the world.



Agree. Some believe, some dont.

Religion warz ITT

lol so true. for example, catholic church is like a freaking gym; up, down, kneel, and pay your membership… why should i pay to believe in something? rediculous.
its all bunch of :skid:skid:skid

pay? what are you talking about…going to church is free.

LMAO…they don’t pass a collection plate? Mass used to be a big guilt trip…donate and we’ll absolve your sins. The Catholic Church at one time expected 10% of your money…don’t know if it’s still the same.

Thats why mega churchs down south make Millions of tax exampt dollars a year. Ever see that episode of Tanked with the church In florida with a 500,000 gallon aquarium made with archs etc to walk through and under? Bet that was cheap.

If this is used correctly, it will truly bring about the halcyon days of medical science.

16 to 18% of the country is atheist I think you’re in the majority bro.
“God bless America” “Under god” God is all over our money. Honestly American Society is very pro religion.

A Few of the founding Fathers were atheist, but the majority were Christian.

And in a few religions it’s mandatory to pay a percent of your salary…

churches dont pay taxes, richer pay less % than poor, your tax money pays for big wigs jobs plus pays to enslave our people in prisons. i dont like tax unless it used for good

god is real ask this guy i gave my money to [ame][/ame]

back on topic [ame][/ame]

Shut up.

Id call u a faggot but i would get banned so im not gunna say it