Scientists clear path to eternal youth.

But, God filled runners of the country will never allow this to be put to good use.

Woah really neat!



What does that have to do with anything? This does not use stem cells from an aborted fetus, so why would Christians have anything bad to say about it? People like you (seemingly ignorant people who don’t know jack about Christianity but continue to bash it cause that’s what society does), confuse Christians (what I try to be) with Christian Radicals (see: Phelps family). Get the two straight and then you can stop making such dumb comments. Your average Christian isn’t anti-medicine or anti-cure. In fact, Christians believe God helps researchers and scientists and surgeons achieve great results in order to help us, his believers.


As for the discovery itself, I for one would love to get this treatment on my lower back to complete the healing I started at the beginning of summer. I used to not be able to play basketball for more than 15 minutes. Now, I can play up to an hour and half…and at that point, my chest hurts/I get cramps before my back or my legs are ready to give up.

Awesome topic.

Not reading Ilya’s post.

Don’t read it. Does it look like I give a crap? His post irked me.

That is all.

Because religion has become a joke. Its a propaganda that people use to run the world with the thought that one day the clouds will part and the sky will open and we’ll ride into the sky with everyone else. How many politians have you heard saying that “its unethical to god” or “god created us to live and die naturally” or “stem cell research is against god” etc etc. its a fucking JOKE an the longest running scam in the world. Not to mention just flat out the govenment will find 100’s of reasons aside of religion to shut this down. 90% of gun medical advancing gets shut down because for some reason the higher ups wont let it out and their usual answer in short “because god”. Its the easy way out. Seems you have a guilty christian mentality, i didnt single christians out, just said religion in general. Gotta get back to touching young boys one way or another.

Gotta get back to touching boys one way or another?

Shows how much you know. You’re dumber and more ignorant than I originally thought. Did you not read what I typed? There is a difference, not all religions or religious groups are of the same opinion. You are confusing a small groups from each denomination or religion with a large ones from said denominations or religions. Get out of here with that noise.

Everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions. Once again, ruining a thread with your bible thumping explinations when no one gives a shit. I never directed anything at you. Your positive explinations of what certain religious groups actually do, or say that they do, is just as ignorant as me saying how i feel because, in the end we both feel how we feel and its a losing battle to try and explain it to one another. I think religion is a fucking joke, a waste of time and a bunch of bullshit. I dont believe in god or an after life. You on the other hand still wait up at night for Santa claus. So, why dont you get out of here with your nonsense. Goes both ways, Pal

Yes. It looks like you give at LEAST a chewbacca’s last shit.

Christanity is a joke. what religion changes its views depending on what is acceptable. ( you know mentaly ill are sinners and deserve to die) i belive in god but not religion. religion is just a form of gov’t

You know what really happens when you die? Eternal darkness. Scientifically proven.


Not to stir the pot…but just so all you people that complain about the gov’t and how the constitution is being torn to pieces and ruining the country and you want things to be like they were back in day realize the gov’t and religion almost went hand in hand right? And that was what this country was brought up on? Think about that next time you cry about how gun laws have changed, and your 2nd amendment rights are gone.

Either way, we lose.

I’ve met too many radical christians to read Ilya’s post.


I hate all religion.

My only problem with Ilya is that he drives at unreasonable speeds.

Trying to read this post before vlad or kk ruin it…

Reminds me of the movie “in time” with Justin timberlake.

Good movie if you haven’t seen it.