
go to and look at my video “boston and back” in the middle of the vid shows some guys protesting scientology, and they are all wearing V for Vendetta masks and suits, talking to people on the street

someone should goto clearwater and burn down the Scientology HQ.

fucking asswipes

these guys?

LOL pretty much, they gave me a DVD to watch, and IT DID NOT WORK in the DVD player, EW!

ugh i now hate scientology protesters more than scientologists

it’s all about the tax shelter.


I’m waiting for them all to drink the koolaid…

There was a decent number of people protestest outside of the Pittsburg office when I went down a few weeks ago. All the people had the V masks as well. :tup: to them. Even went and got the free hugs they were offering :gay3:

i live right down the street from the scientology building on main…i have to drive by it everyday on my way home…fuckin creepy ass people man…i see little kids in there too and it makes my stomach turn…it doesnt even look like a “church” but more like a museum…lets start burning those buildings down

Potato, potato.

All religions are based on charactor weakness… whats the difference?

Like spelling?

is spelling a character weakness?

I never said that I had great spelling. I never said I was fast. I never said I loved you. Sorry.

Nice edit. :wink:


Don’t be upset me just because Your pastor/mentor/tacheon leader touched you when you were a little boy.

What’s a tacheon leader? Or is that what John Travolta was/is?

Yea… I thought that was what Cruises baby was meant to be.

the group is called “Anonymous”

see this post in our motivational thread

lol i love knowing more about the internet than all the mods.

welp, you’ve got to contribute something