scion tc who drives it

i was going down 20 today and a scion tc, blackish, grayish, with a huge ass wing on it. he flew by me, i looked like it had a cat back exhaust, curious to kno if the car was turbo’d or had any other mods to it. let me kno guys:snky:

who cares? seriously, are you going to look him up in the phone book and call him, maybe show up at his house, ask his gf out to dinner?

you might possibly be the worst noob of the year. please dont lose sleep over a riced out scion tc tonight, im sure he would feel really terrible about it.

wtf is your problem dude, im just saying i wanted to kno, i can’t post anything with out you bitching… im just interested in knowing, im trying to see what people are running these days and yea i’ll ask his gf out for dinner… if she’s hot… but seeing that car no she can’t be…:snky:

lol actually if you posted something worthwhile instead of this garbage, i might not rag on you.

ok, we have to roll together some time, i’ll show you some ricers if ya want…

no thanks, i would rather not.



about some riced to fuck Tc that blew by you

I reckon all the n00bie’s have to post something retarded like this.

seriously…stop posting this dumb shit.:retard:

That word was stuck in my vocab for the longest time after watching the Deadwood DVDs.


On Topic: These should be ban worthy, unless parodies are welcomed back. Although bad parodies should be perma ban worthy.
Dat kittah got a turbo, who owns it. Bla bla bla bla

he is on nyspeed he is blacksandpearltcpossiblyturboon2o

i forgot he was on here. good call, bro.

evanwhitey tells a life story…coming to a thread near you.

loooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllolllllllllllllollllllllllllllllololllll :lolsign::lolsign::lolsign::lolsign::lolsign::lolsign::lolsign::lolsign::lolsign::lolsign: :lol::lol:

well would ya look at that … i woulda bet you were bullshitting …

lmao i actually looked :picard:

I had to after the “Who cares” thread

Evanallmighty is a COP.