Scooter Libby Indicted!!;_ylt=Ag_wd1eFbF7TTelKK6E0nWdqP0AC;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

GEEEEHAAA!! Rove seems to have dodged a bullet now…

His fucking name is Scooter…are you surprised??

Given what I heard about Fitzgerald I kind of figured that it was going to happen. Rove is probably going down as well.

And now we have the most fucked up administration in presidential history.

so what happened due to the leak.

Sure everyone knows who she is now, but was she killed or something?

No, but she was a spy. When people know who you are its kind of tough to blend in.

CIA spies are supposed to be completely annonymous. As soon as a name is associated with thier position, its game over.

Besides wouldn’t you indict this guy?

Kind of child molester looking eh?


oh… how did they find out it was a leak?

I realise if your a spy your supposed to be :snky:. I’m not clueless, just don’t watch/read/listen to the news.

There probably aren’t a lot a people with the identities of CIA operatives laying around. This investigation has been going on for ~2 years. It all started after this woman’s husband wrote something negative about the administration and Iraq’s ties to Nigeria and uranium cake.

You can have that look for Halloween.
