Wow...who would have thunk it...

Turns out they found 500+ METRIC TONS of Yellow Cake in Iraq. Sooo I wanna know if he wasn’t trying to obtain WMD then wtf does he need 500+metric tons of this shit?

who’s “they”?


I love yellow cake.

sorry i just got done building a stone wall in the sun all day…my brain is alittle chard right now lol…gimme a min to find the link.

yellow cake with chocolate frosting


this thread is delicious.

I knew we should have been going after betty crocker all along.

Here…I did a quick search…,0,572908,print.story


Thank you sir.

reminds me of the chepelle show skit where dave is first black president and old man comes out with a lump of yellow cake

everyone knows the cake is a lie.

I’m making a note here, huge success.

I prefer confetti cake with the confetti frosting to yellow cake but both are good.

i love chocolate cake much more than yellow, but i would still eat it. Why do we need to steal cake from the Iraqi’s? Can’t we just raid the Twinkie factory?

Seriously, good to have that stuff off the black market but I am still worried about the stuff they didn’t find. Like when you find half a worm in your food… where is the other hafl?

I like my cake to have a stripper in it.

Nobody ever said he wasn’t trying to get his hands on some…it was that “people” said he already obtained WMD.


The Portal puns are delicious.

But, no, this is non-weapons-grade (not even dirty bomb grade, as in the article) Uranium. It was just stockpiled by the Iraqi government, and was sold to Canada. We have the technology to enrich it for use in power plants, though.


It was stuff left over from the first Gulf War.


Israeli warplanes bombed a reactor project at the site in 1981. Later, U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said.

Yes but they could have further refined it into weapons grade. I’m sorry but I don’t trust a genocidal mad man with a potential key ingredient to make nukes.