scope my new e-digs

Answer Mike:

I’ve always offered all of those services, and I don’t sub anything out, besides deck replacement jobs and sandblasting. Pretty much everything else I do myself.

Why certain people on here think that the only thing we do is vacuum pools is beyond me. We’re a full service management/service company. In fact, the only thing I’ve ever subbed out is electrical work. Not worth pissing with it.


Cut pipe. Clean off burrs. swab with pipe cleaner. swab both surfaces with PVC glue. Push them together. It’s really fucking tough. I’ll make sure to get my ass into a PVC plumbers guild before I try and do any other jobs though. Thanks for the tip.

And for the record, I’ve plumbed full circulation systems on multiple new pools, re-plumbed countless systems, replaced skimmers, installed dual main drains, plumbed in automatic pool cleaner booster pump lines, etc. etc. etc.

It’s so easy, you could do it.

no way dude I’m turning you into the PVC police for operating without proper certifications.

my nickname for your mother’s cunt.