today > me

14.5 hours of opening pools. all of them a total bitch, covered in algae. At the last pool, I swat at some fucking bumblebees and drop my hat in the pool. While trying to fish it out, I fall in the fucker. 58 degrees. in case you were wondering exactly how cold 58 degree water is, its really fucking cold…

then had to work 2 more hours, but we killed a 6 pack on the way back to the shop and then drank the half cup of coffee my co-worker (cool ass 50 year old redneck dude that saw every classic rock band imaginable in concert in their heyday) had left in his truck. so all is well. back to work tomorrow @ 7:00 am.


but tomorrow is 4-20, so no matter what happens tomorrow at work, the day will end very well.

I left a “pool” of semen on Mrs. Knapps chin last night, does your company clean those as well?


do you use UV sterilizers in pools?

So you’re whoring yourself out to another company now… or is this your own business?


shrinkage ftl

shrinkage for some, normal for you

hardee har har

at the moment I’m getting an hourly wage, but it will come as a check to the pool company. we’re opening pools right now, but once they’re open and they have weekly maintenance calls, I’ll be out doing that on my own strictly for OCPM.

there’s quite a bit of a difference between commercial pools and residentials, so im learning quite a bit.


Was there a lot involved in setting up all the business stuff, like tax numbers, and all that kind of stuff?

not a LOT… but theres some stuff you have to do. All depends on the business you want to set up. A sole proprietorship doesnt require jack shit. Doing a corporation like I did requires a bit more paperwork.

my dad owns a pool business and i know all about that shit.
i worked for him here and there but nothing permanent because its shitty work.

Best move you made, right there… That way if the shit hits the fan nobody can touch your personal money.

LLC is easier and doesn’t require articles minutes blah blah blah, or so it seemed to me

LLC is just limited liability. It’s probably what he did, but just called it a Corp.


no. Its a corporation. :slap:

OC Pool Management, Inc.