Scratch scratch scratch

My friend Myles, hungover on New Years morning :

Not too bad, he was a little slopping in the beginning but he’s pretty good :slight_smile:

I like the beat :tup:

nice work, i also dig the beat

Was the camera on a speaker? Everytime the bass hits the camera go’s out of focus. But :tup: to his skill, not a huge fan of the beat though.

Props! Not too bad at all.

BTW, I see the Beat Junkies record standin up in the background. Which one is it?

Like the track, sounds great :slight_smile:

Love the RANE mixer too. Spun on one in a battle back a few years, fell in love.

This beat is much better…Souls of Mischeif if I recall.

while i can appriciate the talent behind it, I think scratching like that sounds like shit…

93 til infinity…SO good

classic west coast for the fucking win

Word. That had such a good beat! They don’t make beats like that anymore.

man there’s rarely beats that good period

you ever hear the sample for that? it’s pretty out there if i remember.

No, I might have to sample and strip to play around.