Screaming Tunnel Niagara

^ lol, I remember doing those childish games in the past bro!

  • I was up for that psychiatric hospital but it’s been torn down for some time, honestly America is the shit for ghosts and haunted places bar none!

This is why I sleep with a night light…

being the local i guess im required to chime in

ive been there several times

it is kinda spooky because of the story behind it. some spooky things have happened to me there before. well only one actually. out of nowhere as i entered the tunnel my nose started bleeding which was enough to creep out me and my friends after some other events of the night.

another creepy thing about it is not the tunnel itself but the resident across the street that overlooks the tunnel.
they own one of those no window, all white, kidnap/rape vans and the one upstairs light is always on in the house, overlooking the tunnel, no matter what time.

this was years and years ago though when the highway wasnt rebuilt

now with the highway inches from the tunnel as they keep pushig towards it, its not so bad. doesnt have that creepy alone feeling.

like bing said, i too have been through it and wandered the forest/hills on the other side with my buddies and a flashlight searching for the supposed barnhouse that caught fire and started the whole myth.

very creepy at 2am when its pitch dark, your on a narrow path, and you finally come to the cemetary (which we were un aware of haha)

Pretty sure thats the thing I’m talking about…near bolton or closer to maple?

The psych had been torn down but theres stil two of the original cottages and basement tunnel which is still there, blocked off by a low fence.

I just drove by them the other day.

holy shit! im not ever going there… im a black man, and you seen how movies go!!

Movies are pretty predictable in this situation…especially for you Jr.


Alright men of SONS, I say we all camp out there one night/morning and scare the living crap out of people, whose down?

I’m pretty sure you guys all heard of old finch and the many many stories behind that area. I’ve been once and got nothing, what the hayyyllllllle

I have been there and i came out fine, sso offically the blackman curse has been broken…at least for me;) lol

^ black dudes are usually always the most superstitious and scared to do these kind of things, like my buddy Ryan and the Quija board haha…respect tho since it’s possible to get bad shit come around you.:rolleyes:

haha, Maple ftw!! honestly I don’t know where Bolton even starts, cuz we’re all so close together eh. It’s in Maple tho, not too far from the mosque area and a Petro Gas Station for some reference. :cool:

yea i went to old finch like 2 yrs ago on halloween, you go to some bridge and you sing happy bday or w/e… i duno tried 3 different bridges and got nothin, we actually met up with 2 other different groups of ppl that were doing the same thing lol,

and i always cruise by kirby road in the day time, havent noticed anything out of the ordinary, but i didnt kno the tombstone was there, heard the story about it but never really checked it out so much,

i have been to old finch to with my friends back in high school.we walked the whole thing.nothing happened.and as for kirby it by jane and kirby?well as for a movie watch shutter the thai version on youtube.its english sub.

old finch road, they say behind the graffitti on the wall if blood, if you scratch away at the paint you can see what the “murderer” had wrote back in the day. never been there so everyone that has speak up

lol SON should have a field trip to the whitby psych.

^^ I live the next street over from old finch road. I drive past there to go to Standard Auto wreckers once in a while.

Alot of stories there. Apparently the girl was murdered there on her birthday. There is supposedly a sign that says “happy birthday ?” and everytime it is covered it shows up again. Still have yet to find that sign? It’s pretty creepy place at night though.

Went down for halloween on time with a bunch of friends back in high school, heard a girl scream and we all ran! Thinking back it could have been something else…:wink:

my buddy says he went there and saw it but isn`t sure if it was real

been there. torn the rest of everything apart…boring.

kirby road BLOWS

there is one up around charleston sideroad and highway 10. can not member the address though.

that one was scary shit.

I got lots of stories…but my tranny just showed up so.
bye now

my girl and i were driving thru old finch with only my DRLs on about a year ago for kicks. about halfway in on that narrow bridge she points to a shadow and starts freaking out… then an old man stepped out onto the road! i swerved off the road to avoid him, and i refused to get out of the car to check the damage… the worst thing was after i got back on the road, i kept checking my rearview mirror to look for the man, and i couldn’t see him. no lie!

was he a black man? cuz he cud’ve disappeared off into the shadows haha jkz :slight_smile:

lets gather around the campfire and share our scary stories lol

we were folowing a black pickup truck through old finch one time and it turned the second bend after the one with the big rock and the thing was gone… completely gone… we got out of the car to look on the other side of the hill to see if we could see the headlights in the darkness but nothing…