that would be awesome, a meet and greet, but it’s kinda weird since it’ll be new faces for most of us and then we start telling ghost stories ahah!
I’ve been to old finch…isn’t there like a wooden bridge near the end? Kinda creepy…remember going there with Cal (Got_boost_s13) and a bunch of other people.
Apparently, if you stop your car on the bridge and put it in neutral, your car will get pushed across the bridge or something, lol
i think thats something thats similar in all areas and is just total bullshit
People here say that if you go to the local cemetary and turn off your car and put it in N infront of this certain womens grave, that your car gets pushed out of the cemetary
now that is bullshit.
I’d do it just to prove how stupid people really are.
It is the illusion of being scared. No such thing as spirits or ghosts or whatever the fuck. Just an idea put into your head…then someone twists it out of shape.
Fascinating…not scary.
^so your a skeptic eh dude?
just the many ways I can prove to you that spirits and ghosts exist lol.
Are you also an atheist?
I believe in ghosts and shit
and i am an atheist
does this make sense?
umm I guess so, since most people who are religious like christians, jews, and muslims believe in them.
since atheists usually take a more scientific approach to things.
I think the thing with ghosts, spirits, and anything involving the paranormal, you’re usually a skeptic unless something actually happens to you.
But at the same time, if you kinda believe in it, you’re more likely to believe that something could actually happen. (i.e. See a ghost or something)
its called a your on a hill lol
ya i know its obviously bullshit…when you go to the cemetary there is no obviou hill at all…looks to be really flat actually. There is obviously a hill tho.
so a meet at the old whitby physc cottages? I think so!
I’m just me brother.
Someone list these places man, and directions or something. I’m always looking for new places to check out.
im gunna visit some of these places for sure, directions pleaase, my frends has a convenience store right beside that boy who killed his mom a few months ago , Kennedy and Clarence in brampton…just saying lol
I know you have not said anything offensive. Yet. If anyone asks wtf your talking about. Forget it. If you did not know the “kid” or his family. Just please leave it at that.
I wasn’t gunna say anything offensive but im sorry if you were offended that i brought that up man.
I am not offended. Just, kind of protecting the family from having to deal with rumours and the such.
No worries bro
Im feeling the love and brotherhood in this thread on SON!!
I wouldn’t mind gathering a group of people to a location for chills and hanging out, but better yet we can bring it up in the upcoming meet(s) when we meet up lol.
You son of a bitch eh? Laugh all you want, but when that shit comes back to fuck you in the ass, dont come to me boy, lol.
Speaking of haunted places, anyone ever heard of the stories behind Ryerson Theatre School? The 3rd floor upstairs I hear is a real trip-out…apparently someone tried to get both of their friends to try and go up the FINAL set of stairs and both of them stopped in the same place on the steps…apparently a feeling of danger/warning come over them or something like that.
Reada up on it if u want, but from what I heard, especially with the security guard…this place would freak the living shit outta me.
Check this out. Interesting find. decided to read up about Ryerson Theatre and this came up. check out Ontario’s locations. check for one near you! lol. Some sound more stupid then others, but interesting read.
…Just noticed Old Finch hauting is also mentioned on that site.