Screaming Tunnel Niagara

If you actually skim through it. Read some that are close to you.

Brampton, Caledon, Orangeville, Mississauga, Toronto. I can guarantee those are all bullshit stories. None of them seem that they can be even remotely true.

Notice how the bigger the city is, the more “haunted” places there are? Pathetic attempt at attracting tourists.

Like I said, it’s the illusion. Once you put something into your head. It is 95% going to happen. Especially when you don’t physically really have to do anything. Your mind plays games.

No doubt, no doubt at all. That there are some freaky ass fucked up places out there. But come on now. I get more “scared” in my fuckin grandmothers 200 year old barn at night.

Also, when you go to check out some creepy place…it’s at night! Right? Of course, because you can not SEE as well. Leaving more for your brain to interpret. If your think; “Holy shit man! I just know we’re going to see something fucked up tonight” Well, DUH. Your brain is going to register that thought and turn it into an illusion because you have NO idea what that was that just moved in front of you (branch, leaves, WIND, rain, your own damn body parts, your friends fucking with you, etc etc etc)

Yet again, to each their own.

I’m sure most things would Mr.Ryan!! lol, till I see you tag along to haunted places with me, it stands true!!

p.s - come get a phone from my store, you whore! phoneless sucks man!! :cool:

Agree 100%! You couldn’t have said it any better.

This is about the Ryerson theatre building:

anyone gone to the lighthouse on toronto islands ? ive heard from many friends they have heard footsteps and seen shadows there.

u know, it’s really not that scary driving around these haunted places when ur exhaust sounds like a cannon… kinda takes away from the quiet eerie feeling. just saying.

^^haha. yeah, We should make this into a meet. lol.

finding alot of these sites, this one is pretty good. SORRY IM BORED.
I would honestly like to join one of these “ghost tracker” groups. would anyone else here do it?

I would honestly like to join one of these “ghost tracker” groups.

haha thats jokes. but its probably not the same going with a group of people.

yeah…Maybe it would be just better to go with a bunch of people you know…haha

Oh shit. no need to view haunted places anymore to get scared, I heard the best place to find scary stuff is on your OWN COMPUTER :open_mouth: on this little place called Google. Creepy stuff there

st micheals hospital.i use to work there night shift sorting out medical files,its in the basement next to the morgue.i would hear creepy shit at night when i am alone. while i am typing this is still get goosebumps.i remember seeing a shadowy figure and feel clod to the bone, you should check this out. and eddystone in north york close to jane and finch you would hear wired things in the stair ways close the second floor when your in the stairways with no windows use to be a psych place for women back in the days, no one lives on the second flor and its off limits

^ DAM!!
feeling chills, and feeling of someone watching, also seeing shadowy figures is common with spirits and presence of something supernatural.

I got American channels on satellite, there used to be this show with 3 dudes in their 20’s that travel places around US and one time in Ireland, they caught really good evidence, along with their usual swearing but they’re pro’s! :slight_smile:

Youtube it, or check out their site, it’s a shame they haven’t come back for the second season as of yet, on the Travel Channel…

called, Ghost Adventures.

THE BEST PROOF OF A BRICK BEING THROWN IN THIN AIR! also they take their footage to video editing and special effects artists to ensure that their stuff isn’t fake or modified by the end of the shows.

^^^ im sorry but these guys look like the biggest losers

They’re not fat enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

Screaming tunnel is ghey, been there a billion times with girls, they usually scare their pants off too… :stuck_out_tongue:

blue ghost tunnel is wayyyy cooler, and it involves trespassing, how awesome is that?!?!

Daniel! Where is this blue ghost tunnel? Let’s go!

You might be able to scare my pants off too. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t believe in ghosts and crap …however I do believe in UFO’s and extraterrestrial life.

Speaking of Aliens check this thing out lol

I’ll show everyone at the BING’S 09 meet xD

You might scare my pants off marky! :wink: