Screw GM and the GTO :pissed:


I see your problem right there.
Oil filters go under the hood, not under the seat.



uaw was probably on strike the day your interior was assembled

How fancy.


uaw was probably on strike the day your interior was assembled


Either that or the glue guy was sniffing it while your car rolled by on the line.


well, hopefully it’s an easy fix


GM has some of the best interiors…weird




What is that pump inside the seat? I be that was replaced before you bought the car and they slapped the seat back on with tape until they sold it to you.

You bought a used car right?


What is that pump inside the seat? I be that was replaced before you bought the car and they slapped the seat back on with tape until they sold it to you.

You bought a used car right?


yeah, you’re probably right

The dealership was a joke

question, do you weigh in excess of 600 pounds?

lol nah

You should have kept your Mustang or your Bird.





I was thinking the same thing.:biglaugh::gotme:


Culligan broke two parts of my door trying to get the panel off, neither of which they bothered to tell me about. Instead they just slapped it back together. I had to raise hell to even get them to cover their obvious fuck up. Did I mention I only go to Don Davis now and I hope the that Tom and Tom over at Culligan service rot in hell?


Woah! Thanks for the info! I’ll keep that in mind for the future. Why did they have to take your door panel off in the first place?

easy fix indeed.


Woah! Thanks for the info! I’ll keep that in mind for the future. Why did they have to take your door panel off in the first place?


The suede started peeling off the passengers side door, a pretty common problem on US spec GTO’s. The theory is loading them on a boat for the 2 month ride over here isn’t the best way to have the glue cure.

And of course Culligan refused to simply replace the door panel and instead insisted on trying to re-glue it. They called, said it was done, I walked out to drive it home and it was already coming off again. They took it off and sent it to some interior shop for repair, and it looked great. 2 days later I noticed my door lock was sticking up too high. I pulled on it and it came right out, and the end that screws in was cracked. In addition the vent near the mirror was cracked and loose. Both obvious fuckups by them removing the door panel. Back to them, fight about, they fix it.

That lasted for 2 months until it peeled again. I called and told them it was peeling again and they needed to order a new one, and the asshole service manager Tom said I had to bring it in, like I was lying about it. Then he had the balls to ask me if I pulled it off. I flipped out a bit, a new door panel was ordered, installed, and that was the last time I stepped foot in there. I’ve convinced my boss to never give them any more business, and he’s purchased 2 SUV’s and a volvo sedan from them in the last 5 years. His Envoy is about to come off lease so they lost that sale.

I just took the car in to Don Davis for a free oil change (I have a few of them given to me by GM corporate customer service because of my culligan complaints) and inspection. In addition I needed the security code looked up on gmdealerworld (GM’s internal network) because I never got the security card with the car. Not only was my car done on time, and correctly, but they called and asked for more info about the security card since they hadn’t done it before. They worked with me, and printed out all the info I needed no cost. So far, huge :tup: to Davis.

Sorry for the thread hijack, but any chance I get to bash the asshats at Culligan I take it. I’ve probably lost them at least 15-20 new cars just from all the people I’ve talked to. Never piss off the resident “car guy” who lives in your sales region that everyone asks for advice when they want to buy a car.

Hey - just curious - was this a “GM certified preowned” car? At that age, it probably should have been, especially if it came from a GM dealer. If it wasn’t, then I’d bet that the previous owner had beat on it (I even remember the stripes you had on it when you got it), and the dealer sold you a piece.

I haven’t had one problem with my 06.


and the dealer sold you a piece.


Well its a GM so that goes without saying



not only are they ugly as sin, the interiors also fall apart. cool