Scum bag DARE U is back for more

THIS. I argued it many times before, to/about him. Its just like a hanging a dumb CEO, the company will fail. How many times do you see vlad call someone a retard or tell them they are stupid for doing it that way and not his? You dont, because he is shift, shift would fail if he fails.

Look man, I respect the military, its people and the things they do that I cant/wont/dont have the balls to do/what ever. No problem saying it. But in my eyes, pulling the military card, is like a cop getting pulled over for DWI and pulling the I am a cop card, and getting off. People are people, I dont give a fuck who, what you do, where you come from… I respect bums on the street the same way I will Chuck Norris (coolest man alive BTW)… until they step out of line. Then they drop a peg in my book.

Quoting the quotes for truth. I for one cant stand a know it all. I deal with IT know it alls all day long at work and it is funny as hell when I get told how on thing is by them when they are so far out in left field. Same thing with know it all car guys, nobody knows everything, fuck even talking to professionals that run reputable shops they dont even know everything. Its one thing to give your two cents when the door is open to do so about something you have first hand knowledge or experience with. 100% fine. But knowing someone who knew a friend that built a car with this part… dont make it seem like your the end all be all for passing that information along. MK4 apparently knows definitively, VW 1.8t’s, VRT’s from peoples cars on vortex he never met, Audi everything, supras, mustangs, celicas, chevy LS cam shaft profiles, every single turbo charger under the sun’s specs, wheels, tires, suspensions for every car out there… the list grows with every reply. Go on google and search MK4 30R, Boosted B5, etc… there is a ton of examples out on the internet for you to see his expertise. He will for ever be the Google Warrior in my book.

Yep. Acting like a tard on here, doesnt make people want to meet with you, hang out with you or call you a personal friend outside of the site. If your fine with that then fuck it, continue to act like a dick, but dont get all pissy when you are ignored in public, dont confront people in public the first time you meet them and try to continue the “shift 518 bad ass” mentality. Cause John will knock your ass out! lol But seriously, this isnt the Honda Tech or VW Vortex, its a local site covering maybe a 100 mile radius of people. Keep it close, personal and respectful and everyone can have a good time across the board.

Supports my above statements again. Its not all about MK4, lots of new people to shift try the same shit. Sign up and puff out your chest. As everyone knows that goes over like a fart in church. We all know some examples. We have been around for a long time here, so it doesnt make it easy for the new guy to fit in, but if everything is chill and we arnt throwing low blows every minute it would be alot easier i think to be accepted in.

Krazy Kid Klif Notes:
-Act like you do in real life on shift and make more friends.
-Dont pretend to know everything, real useful information comes from actual experience, not google or he said she said shit.
-When you are in the public eye here, and have a role higher than pee-on, treat it like your real job… try not to get fired.
-I talk alot.