Scum bag DARE U is back for more

Fair enough, you should have also put in there “But it only happens to people he doesn’t like”. I could easily say the same thing about anyone on here. The reason why people are jumping on Mk4 is because of his actions. Why is it that it’s okay for Mk4 to get a pass, but everyone else should be accountable for what they say?

You mean to tell me that you’ve never jumped on anyone and said “Fuck so and so”? Or is this a case of it’s okay to jump all over someone when you don’t like them, however if you’re “friends” with them, it’s not okay? There’s plenty of threads on this site where someone is getting ganged up on, in fact read the first couple of pages here and it was me. IIRC, you’ve been part of those threads taring someone down. I give you props for defending a friend, but if you feel it’s unnecessary to gang up on Mk4, why is it okay for you to do it to someone in another thread?