Scum bag DARE U is back for more

Hmm how do I speak about him like I know him? As I recall I said that I don't know him. And that my opinion of his online personality is that it sucks. I said he MAY be cool in person. As in I have no clue. And my only point is that being a dick online makes you look like a dick when people meet you in real life. And you chose me to call a dope out of everyone posting in this thread? I  am the same way I am online in person. If I knew him I would have no problem saying it to his face. Its not like I'm saying hes a waste of life and I hate him. All I've said is hes a very knowledgeable person when it comes to cars but not a good moderator.
I don't hate him at all. He never hassled me. I"m just saying the way I feel. And honestly I have no desire to go to the lot. I like cars but don't spend my nights out racing and standing next to them. And I certainly wouldn't spend the time to go there just to find him to say it. I would love to go to a chill and grill or cruise when I have time. But honestly it would be kind of weird considering I don't know any of you guys. So i suppose I've made my point. Maybe I'm a dope. Maybe not. But what I say and the way I act online is the exact same way I am in real life. So take it as you will.