Scum bag DARE U is back for more

Like you even know

As I’ve stated many times, brett is a cool dude in person, me and him have had our in person confrontation over issues we’ve had here in the online world. Settled a lot of shit right then and there… After the intense 5 minutes of heated words and adrenaline fist pumping and vlad getting between the two of us :rofl

Seriously thou, you just gotta understand the guy a bit…

BUTTTT, as I stated in my previous post where aparently I’m a nutswinger

Actually surprised brett attacked cossey, and vlad like that. Not cool, and vlad, suprised it took you this long to acctualy do anything about it, considering many of us on the forums have been saying everything you’ve pointed out in your previous posts forever…

Yes that seems to go both ways, from saying he’s a cool dude to ive been saying he shouldent be a mod on here forever

is because brett in person vs brett online is two completely differant people… I like brett in person… Online, i think hes a giant dickhead

and I would have never exspected brett to speak like that to those guys as well, I thought they were acctualy pretty good friends