Scum bag DARE U is back for more

hahahahaha and your an eagle eye.

well at least now i know people actually read my posts fully! :rofl

Banned my Mother Teresa account :cry:
now, Mother teresa is a BANana taker. :lol

My AlHassan, AND Chris Walken accounts got the axe. Was very upset! :lol

i havent been banned by brett .

I have for threatening Dave

last time i got banned it was for saying habib

im just sayin , people jump on the hate on this guy wagon to many times . brett is a great guy shit i handed him my keys to my car with full trust on him not wreckin it he is as straight up as any other guy . he just dont tollerate bullshit

yep just a bunch of “shady” bandwagoners

some crazy shit going on in here :lol

i would think its shady too if i was missing a transmission bolt.

I agree

I like Brett

^ He jumps on shit here though, takes it to personal. And he was a real dick to my brother :lol

I don’t think I’d mind it if Mk430r tried to stroke my penis.

dont we all?

Ok but it’s a forum. Everybody here talks shit at one point or another. I don’t take bullshit either but I am also aware that people inflate themselves on this forum and that 99.9% of us act differently in real life.

As an admin you can’t let shit get personal or you WILL be the first one who gets called out on it. As will anyone in an executive/decision making position. It’s called politics. Is it really that hard to shut the fuck up and not have to mouth off to the people?

IMO I have no problem with him being blunt and telling people how it is. But if he wants to be a mod/admin, he just can’t pull that shit. As a regular user, by all means, do whatever you please.

brett is cool in my book btw

too bad my book is cooler then your book

oh shit…ok, ill give you that lol

As a regular user, I say this: go fuck yourself.

brett was also military , granted others on here are also but there level of bullshit is diff and so on . not sayin its ok but damn man