Sean Taylor SHOT!

[quote=“Rocket 442,post:59,topic:39295"”]

Nope, don’t know him personally, did meet him 2 times and was a nice guy to me, my younger sister, and family. Also ESPN said he turned his crap around lately, but continued to dwell on his spitting incident. You also don’t know what Micheal Pittman said to him, Marcus Washington said Pittman insulted his pregnant girlfriend so he got pissed off.

I don’t care if he did brandish a gun at someone (who attempted to steal 3 of his ATVs), I don’t think he, Darrent Williams, or Pacman deserve to be killed in front of their Girlfriends, and children but I guess some people are just soo badass, that they think it’s “alright” for that to happen.

Like I said, I’m sure you’ve pissed someone off, maybe they should have shot you to death. I wouldn’t like it, but by the way you talk, you should be expecting it and figure you had it coming.

Also, because of his incident with the gun, he wasn’t allowed to have a gun at his home. So if he was still alive, he’d be in jail, that itself sounds like he was attempting to clean himself up.

Also 00Audi00, I hate ESPN, and haven’t listened to much of anything they’ve said. But I didn’t know you called Miss Cleo and asked her if Taylor derserved it. So take your College Educated heartless Bullshit somewhere else.


  1. I think its funny that you want to see me shot for stating an opinion on an internet car forum…lol!

  2. Trash talk is part of the game…Chad Johnson and Ray Lewis would be bankrupt if they got fined everytime they opened their mouth on the field.

  3. Who the hell is Miss Cleo???

I liked Sean Taylor as a football player, but how can you feel sorry for someone who is given that much talent and that much money, to just throw it away because of your off the field life style. Maybe Mr. Taylor shouldn’t have skipped the NFL’s mandatory life adjustment seminar for rookies and none of this would of happened.


  1. I think its funny that you want to see me shot for stating an opinion on an internet car forum…lol!

  2. Trash talk is part of the game…Chad Johnson and Ray Lewis would be bankrupt if they got fined everytime they opened their mouth on the field.

  3. Who the hell is Miss Cleo???

I liked Sean Taylor as a football player, but how can you feel sorry for someone who is given that much talent and that much money, to just throw it away because of your off the field life style. Maybe Mr. Taylor shouldn’t have skipped the NFL’s mandatory life adjustment seminar for rookies and none of this would of happened.


For having a College Education, you sure as hell can’t read that well. But I wont blame that on you, must have been your professors.

Like I said, I’m sure you’ve pissed someone off, maybe they should have shot you to death. I wouldn’t like it, but by the way you talk, you should be expecting it and figure you had it coming.

Maybe bolded words will draw more attention from your “college educated” eyes.

As for you asking me if I know Sean Taylor; I said no. Do you know Sean Taylor? Do you know for sure he did those things, and that he was a “thug”? I’d much rather believe people are good people not knowing them, than bad people because of media and things they did in their past.

Sure, his past might have caught up with him, because those people he (may) have used to deal with might have still had it out for him. I like to forgive people for things, maybe you should look into that a bit.

Heres his last interview done.

Private and slow to trust anyone, Taylor rarely granted interviews. During his last known full-length interview, conducted with WTEM-AM in September, he spoke of the joy he felt when he made his daughter laugh, how he wanted to give her life experiences different from his own, and how he did not fear death.
“You can’t be scared of death,” he told the radio station. “When that time comes, it comes. … You never see a person who has lived their life to the fullest. They sometimes feel sorry for like a child, maybe, that didn’t get a chance to do some of the things they thought that child might have had a chance to do in life. I’ve been blessed. God’s looked out for me, so, I’m happy.”

Yay for a college education! Too bad that only fixes ignorance…


You’ve obviously never been to the range with me. If I take a shot at some guy stealing my GTO, he ain’t coming back. :wink: .


WEll then if the story is true, he made a bad decision :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m not saying he had it coming. I’m just calling BS on this story that the news is running with about it being some simple robbery gone bad.


We will see.



Do you know anything about Sean Taylor’s history? Answer…obviously not. Do people randomly drive around and fire rounds into limos…no! You sir should actually read and learn facts before trying miserably to attack someone’s opinion. I also did not wish death on PacMan Jones, Im just surprised no one has attempted to kill him.


Seems to me that you dont know anything about sean taylor if you did you would know he isnt " a ghetto thug" he was the son of a police chief but i bet you already knew that since you got your college education.

Again you make a statement that is false people do shoot into limos its called jealousy but i guess since you are such a wonderful human being you have never felt something like that, or perhaps you just dont understand the human brain(didnt you take psych 101 i mean you did get your college education right?) Anywho its too bad people like you have to be that guy but i guess it will all come full circle right?

I obviously wasnt trying miserably to attack your opinion it seems to have worked but thanks for making me feel special. I’m surprised no one has tried to kill you since you are such a heartless cocksucker. But remember im not wishing death on you im just surprised.

Regardless of you being a douchenozzle:gtfo:

R.I.P Sean Taylor


Seems to me that you dont know anything about sean taylor if you did you would know he isnt " a ghetto thug" he was the son of a police chief but i bet you already knew that since you got your college education.

Again you make a statement that is false people do shoot into limos its called jealousy but i guess since you are such a wonderful human being you have never felt something like that, or perhaps you just dont understand the human brain(didnt you take psych 101 i mean you did get your college education right?) Anywho its too bad people like you have to be that guy but i guess it will all come full circle right?

I obviously wasnt trying miserably to attack your opinion it seems to have worked but thanks for making me feel special. I’m surprised no one has tried to kill you since you are such a heartless cocksucker. But remember im not wishing death on you im just surprised.

Regardless of you being a douchenozzle:gtfo:

R.I.P Sean Taylor


Obviously no one including my douchenozzle self wants to see anyone die especially the way Taylor did. However some people inluding my douchenozzle self have a hard time feeling bad for someone who threw away there life by making bad choices. Even if he was trying to straighten out his life it was obviously too late. But being the forgiving person you are I’m sure you would have no problem having a convicted sex offender who is trying to change his life move next door to you. The fact is people are killed everyday by shootings, but the only reason this was posted because it was a professional football player. I would like to read your opinion if a reformed drug dealer or sex offender were killed the same way. I will agree with you on one thing though RIP Sean Taylor and God Bless his family!


We will see.


Withdrawing from a bad crowd isn’t easy, though, Rolle said.
“They say it was a burglary. It absolutely was not a burglary,” he said. "Down South, where we’re from, there were many people targeting Sean, a lot of jealousy, a lot of angry people.

From one of his best friends.

I can believe that. What I don’t believe (and I think the investigation will prove true) is that Sean was doing anything irresponsible, like a lot of people in the media and some fans want to speculate.

Being targeted by jealous, agnry people does not equal hanging with bad a crowd. Obviously Sean did what was right for himself and his family and had nothing to do with them.


I can believe that. What I don’t believe (and I think the investigation will prove true) is that Sean was doing anything irresponsible, like a lot of people in the media and some fans want to speculate.

Being targeted by jealous, agnry people does not equal hanging with bad a crowd. Obviously Sean did what was right for himself and his family and had nothing to do with them.


Reading that article I posted makes it sound like he did hang out with the wrong crowd, got his act together and stopped hanging with them, and that’s what pissed them off.

afrank has turned this into a “everyone is out to get the black man” thread

when the reality is he was a good guy and noone wishes death upon him damn

most people are pretty sad including me.

and im not trying to be a dick… but you jump on every single black person or thug thread/post its annoying


Reading that article I posted makes it sound like he did hang out with the wrong crowd, got his act together and stopped hanging with them, and that’s what pissed them off.


It’s quite possible.

Welp, according to the police and official reports the 4 accused of killing Sean Talylor had no prior relation to him at all. They were just there to rob a rich guy. :shrug:


All four have been charged with unpremeditated murder, home invasion with a firearm or another deadly weapon and armed burglary.

attorney Richard Sharpstein said Taylor’s sister was dating a relative of Wardlow and that one or more people tied to the suspects may have attended her 21st birthday party at the athlete’s home.


SI and ESPN reported likewise.

Suspects have a history of armed robbery, were looking for “easy” heist. Something about they scoped out the house during a relatives birthday party that was held there.

Can’t find the link now, it was there earlier today.

EDIT: Big Ron got the one link

Here is the CNN link

Meanwhile, four young men charged with killing Taylor sat in jail cells on the other side of the state in Fort Myers. The suspects are expected to be transported to Miami after the funeral, said attorney Sawyer Smith, who is representing suspect Jason Mitchell, 19.

“Out of respect for the Taylor family, they’re waiting for that to occur so that the arrival of these boys does not distract from the grief the Taylor family is suffering,” Smith said.

Also charged are Eric Rivera, 17; Charles Wardlow, 18; and Venjah Hunte, 20. All face charges of unpremeditated murder, home invasion with a firearm or another deadly weapon and armed burglary. Watch as suspects appear in court »

Smith said there is a fifth suspect but declined to elaborate. Miami-Dade police spokesman Juan Villaba refused to confirm that.

Probable cause affidavits for Mitchell and Rivera obtained by The Associated Press said the two confessed to participating in armed burglary. According to the reports, Mitchell and Rivera admitted entering the home and said someone had a gun and shot Taylor, but they didn’t identify who. Police and attorneys also have said some of the young men confessed, though they wouldn’t elaborate.

Taylor died November 27, one day after being shot at his home in an affluent Miami suburb. Police said the suspects were looking for a simple burglary, but it turned bloody when they were startled to find Taylor home.

The suspects all have prior arrests, according to police, including drug, theft and gun charges, though friends and family have defended them.

Police remain tightlipped about how the suspects wound up at Taylor’s home. But his former attorney Richard Sharpstein said Taylor’s sister was dating a relative of Wardlow and that one or more people tied to the suspects may have attended her 21st birthday party at the athlete’s home.