plax's house robbed

his house was broken into during the game today… he lives down by the waterfront… his girfriend or whatever was on the news talking, but didn’t want to be seen :kekegay:

and also tonight some car was gunned down on 7th and liberty… on the news they showed the car and it was shot at least 20 times…



On (Pittspeeds counterpart for thugs) they’re all talking about Pittsburgh’s declining police force.

Two more Playoff games coming up too…look for things to get a little rocky.

armed robery up in my old neck of the woods tonight…
two punks with a hand gun held up someone

heard it over the scanner at the firehall coz they were looking everywhere for them, dunno if they caught them yet

there are such losers out there

kid i played football with for springdale…died of a drug overdose on christmas eve…he was on herion…shits fucked up anymore…what goes through ppls heads that makes em do this shit???

last year my parents were right behind a car that got shot up in a drive by…im soo glad that nothing happened…

that sux

i guess he can be fucked with!!! :stick: :wink:

hahaahah, maybe so

i though plax lived out in some gated community in robinson. He was riding his quad through people’s yards and shit.


he lives in washington’s landings next to my buddy’s boss… same with big ben and staley… it’s the new shit down by the waterfront.

well he used to live out by robinson. nacker!

:wtf: are you talking about? Washington’s landings is no where fucking NEAR the waterfront. Its out right underneath the 31st street bridge, and runs parallel to route 28. Trust me on this. I can even get you a zip code if you’d like.

the waterfront on the allegheny river… not the mon… not homestead… not the shopping center.

it’s all apart of the urban redevelopment anyway… i do infact know where it is.

zip please:)

15222 :smiley:

I believe the main drag down there is called Waterside Place.

Fshowcars - You saw waterfront to 99% of Pittsburghers, they think Homestead. And, the fact, that it’s actually called “The Waterfront”. And I like how you edited the first post of the thread :kekegay:

i need a map of the city also!:smiley:

don’t assume things!

what did i edit???

I didn’t assume shit. One place is called Washington’s Landing (or Herr’s Island, depending on the place) the other is called the Waterfront.

You said Waterfront… Thats the place in Homestead. End of story.
