Search Not Working

So by using the search anywhere, i believe theres nothing but 2010 threads, according to the date, what happened mods ? Or is it me incorrectly using the damn thing

look into this yet mods ?

yeah, i don’t think we finished indexing the search function last week. That was one of the reasons we were down for 4 days at teh onset, we were trying to finish indexing the search.

we were almost done when we went live but then there were a bunch of forum settings issues that i felt had to be changed immediately, so i did them… and it basically ended the search indexing 75% of the way through…

Mike will be indexing it again but not sure when… he’ll provide a better answer here

We had optimized the server to perform the search indexing while allowing the board to remain live. This is why it was slow for the first few hours that we were live. We got hit with a large volume of users posting searching looking around on the site and it caused the search script to take second priority and eventually stop running. This script takes over 30 hours to execute as our post and thread tables are HUGE. I will kick the script off again late on a Friday and let it run as Friday and Saturday are traditionally our slowest usage days. Before I reindex the search, I would like to have some of the other users issues marked as completed. No use indexing it if it doesn’t link the results to the proper users.


but we’ll wait a couple weeks for that right :wink: